Who or what is really being served when an analytic relationship turns sexual?
How can health best be restored to an impaired analyst?
Do analytic training relationships teach overfamiliarity?
Sixteen internationally known Jungian analysts examine the psychology of professional and not-so-professional patient relationships. Their thought-provoking essays will force you to pause, reflect, and question a little more before passing judgment. Codes of ethics evolve over time and may be different from culture to culture. Among the authors that add depth and...
Who or what is really being served when an analytic relationship turns sexual?
How can health best be restored to an impaired analyst?
Drawing on personal experiences and interviews with others, Roy explores the frustrations and rewards in the lives of Hindu Bengali women in upper and upper-middle class families in India. Roy traces the psychological dimensions of these women as they play their specific roles, including daughter, wife, mother, and sister-in-law. In a new Afterword, Roy discusses changes in Bengali society and culture over the last two decades which have direct bearings on women's lives: divorce and the breakup of the joint family, education, increasing Westernization via television and women's magazines,...
Drawing on personal experiences and interviews with others, Roy explores the frustrations and rewards in the lives of Hindu Bengali women in upper and...
Manisha Roy recounts stories from her life, gathered around each of her four "homes." The first two reflect her early life, visiting her grandparents in villages in what was then the eastern part of Bengal. She recalls the traditions, rituals, and mores of a well-to-do Indian family as she experienced them during her formative years. Her intelligence and curiosity set her on a path to academia, and she broke away, at great personal cost, thwarting the expectations of her family and culture and setting out to work, to love, and to see the world. Eventually she finds her own inner home and...
Manisha Roy recounts stories from her life, gathered around each of her four "homes." The first two reflect her early life, visiting her grandparents ...