The autobiography of visionary and cantankerous publishing legend Barney Rosset. At times appalling, more often inspiring: this is Barney Rosset, uncensored. Genet...Beckett...Burroughs...Miller...Ionesco, Ōe, Duras. Harold Pinter and Tom Stoppard. Hubert Selby Jr. and John Rechy. The legendary film I Am Curious (Yellow). The books that assaulted the fort of propriety that was the United States in the 1950s and '60s, Lady Chatterley's Lover and The Tropic of Cancer. The Evergreen Review. Victorian "erotica." The Autobiography of Malcolm X....
The autobiography of visionary and cantankerous publishing legend Barney Rosset. At times appalling, more often inspiring: this is Barney Rosset, u...