What is our destiny? The final end of humanity and the universe is a subject of perennial interest, especially for Christians. What are we promised? Will anyone finally be left out of God's intentions to bless humanity? What sort of transformation will be needed to enter the presence of God? These questions have been at the heart of Christian teachings about last things. The 2013 Pro Ecclesia Conference of the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology focused such issues on the theme ""Heaven, Hell . . . and Purgatory?"" The six essays in this volume cover a range of topics of interest to...
What is our destiny? The final end of humanity and the universe is a subject of perennial interest, especially for Christians. What are we promised? W...
No question is more central to Christian living, preaching, and theology than Jesus' question to his disciples: Who do you say that I am? Some would have it that pastors and theologians, biblical exegetes and historians, dogmatic and moral theologians, Catholic and Evangelical have more differences than similarities in the way Christians with such diverse vocations respond to Jesus' question. And there is little doubt that there sometimes seem to be unbridgeable gulfs between the way historians and believers, Internet gossipers and preachers, classical christological debates and present-day...
No question is more central to Christian living, preaching, and theology than Jesus' question to his disciples: Who do you say that I am? Some would h...
About the Contributor(s): Michael Root is Professor of Systematic Theology at The Catholic University of America and Executive Director of the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology. He was formerly the Director of the Institute for Ecumenical Research, Strasbourg, France. James J. Buckley is Professor of Theology at Loyola University Maryland. He has recently contributed to and edited (with Frederick Bauerschmidt and Trent Pomplun) The Blackwell Companion to Catholicism (2007). He is associate director of the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology.
About the Contributor(s): Michael Root is Professor of Systematic Theology at The Catholic University of America and Executive Director of the Center ...
Synopsis: At the same time as Catholic and evangelical Christians have increasingly come to agree on issues that divided them during the sixteenth-century reformations, they seem increasingly to disagree on issues of contemporary "morality" and "ethics." Do such arguments doom the prospects for realistic full communion between Catholics and evangelicals? Or are such disagreements a new opportunity for Catholics and evangelicals to convert together to the triune God's word and work on the communion of saints for the world? Or should our hope be different than simple pessimism or optimism? In...
Synopsis: At the same time as Catholic and evangelical Christians have increasingly come to agree on issues that divided them during the sixteenth-cen...
Jesus' best-known mandate--after perhaps the mandate to love God and neighbor--was given at the Last Supper just before his death: ""Do this in memory of me."" Indeed, a case can be made that to ""do this"" is the source and summit of the way Christians carry out Jesus' love-mandate. Of course, Christians have debated what it means to ""do this,"" and these debates have all too often led to divisions within and between them--debates over leavened and unleavened bread, reception of the cup, real presence and sacrifice, ""open"" or ""closed"" communion, this Supper and the hunger of the world....
Jesus' best-known mandate--after perhaps the mandate to love God and neighbor--was given at the Last Supper just before his death: ""Do this in memory...
The contributors to this collection of essays explore the common ground shared by Christians of various confessions in regard to Baptism and look for a basis for ecumenical unity on the basis of these shared positions
The contributors to this collection of essays explore the common ground shared by Christians of various confessions in regard to Baptism and look for ...
How can Christians committed to the classical Christian tradition address the issues raised by contemporary Islam? Before a much-needed dialogue between Christians and Muslims is established, Christians need to ask themselves how their Scriptures and traditions might come to bear on such a dialogue. Do the divisions among Catholic and Evangelical Christians fracture the classical Christian tradition in ways that undercut Christian-Muslim dialogue before it has even begun? Or could the classical tradition provide invaluable resources for resolving divisions between Catholic and Evangelical...
How can Christians committed to the classical Christian tradition address the issues raised by contemporary Islam? Before a much-needed dialogue betwe...
This book is a critical introduction to the philosophy of social science. While most social scientists maintain that the social sciences should stand free of politics, this book argues that they should be politically partisan. Root offers a clear description and provocative criticism of many of the methods and ideals that guide research and teaching in the social sciences.
This book is a critical introduction to the philosophy of social science. While most social scientists maintain that the social sciences should stand ...