This comprehensive reference documents the full scope of furniture from Shaker communities in New England, Ohio, and Kentucky. Furniture produced throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, ranging from free-standing tables, chairs, desks, boxes, and case clocks to built-in cupboards and cases of drawers, is shown in over 1,000 images, 698 in color. An extensive text provides a detailed account of Shaker history, culture, and religion. Further, it examines Shaker design and tools, reporting new research on the Shaker color palette. Using primary source materials, this book...
This comprehensive reference documents the full scope of furniture from Shaker communities in New England, Ohio, and Kentucky. Furniture produced thro...
This is the perfect introduction to Shaker furniture design.This concise book surveys distinctive furniture styles produced during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Shaker communities of New England, Kentucky, and Ohio, with over 130 beautiful full color images. Free-standing tables, chairs, boxes, desks, built-in cupboards, and cases of drawers are shown. The text provides an introduction to nearly twenty Shaker communities, their known cabinetmakers, identifiable traits of furniture designs unique to specific Shaker communites, and the characteristic colorful paints and stains used...
This is the perfect introduction to Shaker furniture design.This concise book surveys distinctive furniture styles produced during the nineteenth and ...
English founder Ann Lee and a small group of followers brought the Shaker faith to New England in 1774. Dedicated to a simple, communal lifestyle outside of society, this movement spread throughout New England and the Midwest during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The furniture produced by Shakers for their own use was beautiful in its simplicity and functionality. 300 historical and modern photos provide a visual tour of masterpieces of Shaker furniture and an introduction to the faithful artisans who produced them. Among the items displayed are benches, blanket chests, cases of...
English founder Ann Lee and a small group of followers brought the Shaker faith to New England in 1774. Dedicated to a simple, communal lifestyle outs...