Al no seguir las precisas instrucciones de Arif el Hombre Sabio, una reina da luz a un medio niNo. Neem consigue volverse completo a travEs de un acto de inteligencia, negociaciOn y compromiso, y esto enseNarA a los niNos algo mAs que la usual y esperada lecciOn sobre valentIa. En este encantador cuento del PrIncipe Neem, donde tambiEn estAn el Rey y la Reina de Hich-Hich, Arif el Sabio, las Hadas y el dragOn que escupe fuego, estA maravillosa y mAgicamente ilustrado por Midori Mori y Robert Revels.
Este es uno de la serie de cuentos ilustrados para niNos escritos por Idries...
Al no seguir las precisas instrucciones de Arif el Hombre Sabio, una reina da luz a un medio niNo. Neem consigue volverse completo a travEs de un a...
The Queen of Hich-Hich fails to follow the instructions given to her by Arif the Wise Man, and, as a result, gives birth to a half-boy. Neem makes himself complete by an act of cleverness, negotiation and compromise. This story helps children learn flexibility and perseverance.
For more than a thousand years this story has entertained young people and helped to foster in them the ability to examine their assumptions and to think for themselves. This tale is one of the many...
The Queen of Hich-Hich fails to follow the instructions give...
The Queen of Hich-Hich fails to follow the instructions given to her by Arif the Wise Man, and, as a result, gives birth to a half-boy. Neem makes himself complete by an act of cleverness, negotiation and compromise. This story helps children learn flexibility and perseverance.
For more than a thousand years this story has entertained young people and helped to foster in them the ability to examine their assumptions and to think for themselves. This tale is one of the many hundreds of Sufi developmental stories collected by Idries Shah from oral and written...
The Queen of Hich-Hich fails to follow the instructions given to her by Arif the Wise Man, and, as a result, gives birth to a half-boy. Nee...