Transaction processing techniques are deeply ingrained in the fields of databases and operating systems and are used to monitor, control and update information in modern computer systems. This book will show you how large, distributed, heterogeneous computer systems can be made to work reliably. Using transactions as a unifying conceptual framework, the authors show how to build high-performance distributed systems and high-availability applications with finite budgets and risk.
The authors provide detailed...
The key to client/server computing.
Transaction processing techniques are deeply ingrained in the fields of databases and operating ...
This Lecture Notes volume is based on the "International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems" held in the Asilomar Conference Center, September 28-30, 1987. Many of the problems identified during the workshop are liable to determine the future development of transaction systems and distributed high performance systems in general for many years to come. So the organizers of HPTS '87 felt encouraged to collect the papers presented at the workshop in order to make them accessible to a wider audience of interested developers and researchers. Since some of the contributions...
This Lecture Notes volume is based on the "International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems" held in the Asilomar Conference Cent...
Dieses Lehrbuch gibt eine Einfuhrung in das Gebiet der parallelen Programmierung und richtet sich vor allem an Studenten der Informatik im Hauptstudium. Nach den Grundlagen folgen die Gebiete der "konventionellen" asynchronen parallelen Programmierung und der synchronen "massiv parallelen" oder daten-parallelen Programmierung mit tausend oder mehr Prozessoren. Den Abschluss bilden weitere parallele Modelle, die nicht einem dieser beiden Gebiete zugeordnet werden konnen, die automatische Parallelisierung und Vektorisierung sowie Leistungsbetrachtungen. Das Buch entstand aus dem Skript zur...
Dieses Lehrbuch gibt eine Einfuhrung in das Gebiet der parallelen Programmierung und richtet sich vor allem an Studenten der Informatik im Hauptstudiu...