In the late 1980s, a promising new treatment for breast cancer emerged: high-dose chemotherapy with autologous bone marrow transplantation or HDC/ABMT. By the 1990s, it had burst upon the oncology scene and disseminated rapidly before having been carefully evaluated. By the time published studies showed that the procedure was ineffective, more than 30,000 women had received the treatment, shortening their lives and adding to their suffering. This book tells of the rise and demise of HDC/ABMT for metastatic and early stage breast cancer, and fully explores the story's implications, which go...
In the late 1980s, a promising new treatment for breast cancer emerged: high-dose chemotherapy with autologous bone marrow transplantation or HDC/ABMT...
This book is the definitive account of how private citizens, led by Mary Lasker, Sidney Farber, Laurence Rockefeller, Benno Schmidt, and Ann Landers, persuaded Congress to enact the 'War on Cancer" legislation; how Senator Edward Kennedy championed the cause in the US Senate; how Rep. Paul Rogers brokered a compromise that kept the National Cancer Institute within the National Institutes of Health; and how President Richard Nixon embraced the legislation even though he had earlier proposed to cut the cancer research budget. In the wave of technological enthusiasm from putting a man on the...
This book is the definitive account of how private citizens, led by Mary Lasker, Sidney Farber, Laurence Rockefeller, Benno Schmidt, and Ann Landers, ...