The modern European state, defined by a continuous territory with a distinct borderline and complete external sovereignty, by the monopoly of every kind of legitimate use of force, and by a homogeneous mass of subjects each of whom has the same rights and duties, is the outcome of a thousand years of shifting political power and developing notions of the state. This major study, in the Origins of the Modern State in Europe series, sets out to examine the processes of state formation and the creation of power elites. "
The modern European state, defined by a continuous territory with a distinct borderline and complete external sovereignty, by the monopoly of every ki...
Band 9: Der erste Teil des Bandes behandelt den Wandel im wissenschaftlichen Umgang mit der gesamten deutschen Frhneuzeit bis 1806 und ihre Hauptprobleme aus zeitlicher, rumlicher und sachlicher Perspektive.Der zweite Teil bietet eine neue Darstellung der ersten Hlfte des 16.Jahrhunderts, die Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Politik und Religion zu einem Gesamtbild integriert.
Band 9: Der erste Teil des Bandes behandelt den Wandel im wissenschaftlichen Umgang mit der gesamten deutschen Frhneuzeit bis 1806 und ihre Hauptprobl...
This well-written and comprehensive book by an outstanding expert provides students of history and the general reader with reliable up-to-date information on an essential part of the history of mankind: the global impact of European colonial expansion from the late Middle Ages to the present. It deals with the discoveries, with Portuguese, Dutch and English trade systems in Asia, with the Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, French and British Colonies in America, the American plantation economy and the trade in African slaves, with settler colonies in the southern hemisphere, with US-, Russian and...
This well-written and comprehensive book by an outstanding expert provides students of history and the general reader with reliable up-to-date informa...
Between 1350 and 1750--a time of empires, exploration, and exposure to radically different lands and cultures--the world reached a tipping point of global connectedness. In this volume of the acclaimed History of the World series, noted international scholars examine five critical geographical areas during this pivotal period: Eurasia between Russia and Japan; the Muslim world of the Ottoman and Persian empires; Mughal India and the Indian Ocean trading world; maritime Southeast Asia and Oceania; and a newly configured transatlantic rim. While people in many places remained unaware of...
Between 1350 and 1750--a time of empires, exploration, and exposure to radically different lands and cultures--the world reached a tipping point of...
Der führende Historiker der europäischen Expansion legt eine knappe und dennoch anschauliche Darstellung dieses Fundamentalprozesses der neueren Weltgeschichte von 1415 bis 1995 vor. Neben den überseeischen Kolonialreichen werden darin auch die Kontinentalimperien und gleichzeitiger nicht-europäischer Kolonialismus behandelt.
Der führende Historiker der europäischen Expansion legt eine knappe und dennoch anschauliche Darstellung dieses Fundamentalprozesses der neueren Wel...