The question of work-life balance and the difficulties of managing multiple roles is attracting considerable interest. This international collection broadens the focus of these debates and presents recent research findings that will further stimulate theoretical development and empirical studies. While much previous research has focused on the challenges faced by working mothers, the research presented in this collection introduces perspectives that have not been widely included in previous work in the field, such as the voice of children, the challenges that students face, the role of both...
The question of work-life balance and the difficulties of managing multiple roles is attracting considerable interest. This international collection b...
What does this mean? What does this stand for? I gave this book this title because it really reflects the spirit of my life. It starts by showing the love that I have for my wife and family, the love and devotion to my Lord and the Church, the concern for the ecology of nature, our beautiful country and planet which-in and on I'm fortunate to live. The species canine of which I am extremely fond and it ends by reflecting my great love for my country and the freedom for which it stands. Its' military and the men and women who serve so well. It pays tribute to those who were willing to die to...
What does this mean? What does this stand for? I gave this book this title because it really reflects the spirit of my life. It starts by showing the ...
This international collection explores aspects of lifestyle and identity, societal influences on ways of living, the relevance of social networks and geographic communities for lifestyle choices, and the significance of organisational policies and practices for lifestyle outcomes.
This international collection explores aspects of lifestyle and identity, societal influences on ways of living, the relevance of social networks and ...