Get out of debt and stay out with the help of Dave Ramsey, the financial expert who has helped millions of Americans control their moneyThe Financial Peace Planner may be the most valuable purchase you ever make. Dave Ramey's practical regimen, based on his own personal experience with debt, offers hard-won advice and much needed hope to people who find themselves in serious debt and desperate for a way out. This book comes in a workbook format, allowing you to frequently monitor your progress and, most importantly, to face your situation honestly. Loaded with inspirational...
Get out of debt and stay out with the help of Dave Ramsey, the financial expert who has helped millions of Americans control their money
Ever since its first printing in 1921, The Go-Getter has inspired employees and entrepreneurs to take initiative, increase their productivity, and excel against the odds. In this book, Bill Peck, a war veteran, persuades Cappy Ricks, the crusty founder of the Ricks Logging & Lumbering Company, to let him prove himself with a sales assignment that everyone knows can only lead to failure. When Peck beats his quota, he earns the ultimate opportunity and the ultimate test: the quest for the blue vase. Drawing on such classic values as honesty, determination, passion, and responsibility, Peck...
Ever since its first printing in 1921, The Go-Getter has inspired employees and entrepreneurs to take initiative, increase their productivity, and exc...
Todo lo que siempre quiso saber sobre como montar y hacer prosperar un negocio . . . cuando no tiene a quien consultar Su compania solo sera tan fuerte como sus lideres. Son ellos, esos hombres y esas mujeres, quienes pelean la batalla cotidiana bajo la bandera que constituye su identidad. Son valientes o indecisos? Dirigen a un equipo motivado o se limitan solo a manejar empleados? Se les valora? Su equipo no puede prosperar mas alla de su capacidad, lo que me hace pensar en otra pregunta: Estamos creciendo, prosperando? No importa si hoy se encuentra en el...
Todo lo que siempre quiso saber sobre como montar y hacer prosperar un negocio . . . cuando no tiene a quien consultar Su compania solo ser...
Go get the life you want. Be a Rhinoceros There is something dangerous about this book. Something big. Something full of power, energy and force of will. It could be about you. You could become three tons of thick-skinned, snorting hard-charging rhinoceros. It is time to go get the life you want
Go get the life you want. Be a Rhinoceros There is something dangerous about this book. Something big. Something full of power, energy and force of w...
"Your go-to gift for new fathers." -- Dave Ramsey, New York Times bestselling author, motivational speaker, and radio host Whether you know it or not, if you're a dad, you'e a hero-- that's the message of bestselling author and pediatrician Meg Meeker. Even if you're struggling with all the demands of fatherhood, let Dr. Meeker reassure you: every man has it within him to be the hero father his children need. With simple step-by-step instructions and drawing on long experience--including her work with the NFL's Fatherhood Initiative--Dr. Meeker shows you how to be the...
"Your go-to gift for new fathers." -- Dave Ramsey, New York Times bestselling author, motivational speaker, and radio host Whether...
Nationally syndicated radio host and money man Dave Ramsey offers a practical and inspiring action plan to help you get in the best financial shape of your life.
Nationally syndicated radio host and money man Dave Ramsey offers a practical and inspiring action plan to help you get in the best financial shape of...