The authors of Toxic Sludge Is Good for You unmask the sneaky and widespread methods industry uses to influence opinion through bogus experts, doctored data, and manufactured facts.
We count on the experts. We count on them to tell us who to vote for, what to eat, how to raise our children. We watch them on TV, listen to them on the radio, read their opinions in magazine and newspaper articles and letters to the editor. We trust them to tell us what to think, because there s too much information out there and not enough hours in a day to sort it all out.
We should stop...
The authors of Toxic Sludge Is Good for You unmask the sneaky and widespread methods industry uses to influence opinion through bogus experts,...
How the Iraq war was sold to the American public through professional P.R. strategies.
"The First Casualty": Lies that were told related to the Iraq war.
Euphemisms and jargon related to the Iraq war, e.g. "shock and awe," "Operation Iraqi Freedom," "axis of evil," "coalition of the willing," etc.
"War as Opportunity": How the war on terrorism and the war on Iraq have been used as marketing hooks to sell products and policies that have nothing to do with fighting terrorism.
"Brand America": The efforts of Charlotte...
Weapons of Mass Deception reveals:
How the Iraq war was sold to the American public through professional P.R. strategies.