The Ku Klux Klan, the Aryan Nations, and many ultra-right-wing racist ?religious? organizations adhere to a doctrine called Christian Identity. Christian Identity is not a denomination, but a loosely organized movementembracing a range of beliefs. Its foundation is the theory that Anglo-Saxons (and Aryans, in most cases) are the true descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel, and are the chosen people of God. Christian Identity is a bloodline religion: a belief system irrevocably tied to race. As such it lends itself to the violence, racism, and anti?Semitism of its more militant...
The Ku Klux Klan, the Aryan Nations, and many ultra-right-wing racist ?religious? organizations adhere to a doctrine called Christian Identity. Chris...
Personal safety issues of concern to all teachers are highlighted in this book. It discusses how to analyze the school environment for security risks, what to do and what not to do to avoid becoming a victim of crime. And, if the worst occurs, how to learn to survive. The book shows how to make a difference by enhancing the quality of life and safety at school.
Personal safety issues of concern to all teachers are highlighted in this book. It discusses how to analyze the school environment for security risks,...
The author traces the historical development of the Klan, addressing its organization, membership, ideologies and philosophies. The result is an accurate account of the Ku Klux Klan, a group that has continued to grow and evolve in response to changing times.
The author traces the historical development of the Klan, addressing its organization, membership, ideologies and philosophies. The result is an accur...
Ronald J. Waldron Chester L. Quarles David H. McElreath
The Criminal Justice System: An Introduction, Fifth Edition incorporates the latest developments in the field while retaining the basic organization of previous editions which made this textbook so popular. Exploring the police, prosecutors, courts, and corrections, including probation and parole, the book moves chronologically through the different agencies in the order in which they are usually encountered when an individual goes through the criminal justice process.
New in the Fifth Edition:
A complete updating...
The Criminal Justice System: An Introduction, Fifth Edition incorporates the latest developments in the field while retai...
Now more than ever before, today s schools are hazard zones. Students are vulnerable to attack from other students and random individuals who may appear to be harmless on the surface or who may be sending out warning signals. Either way, to save their lives or protect themselves from injury, they must be prepared. Now in its second edition, Staying Safe at School is a guidebook that every parent and school administrator should make available to students. Concise and practical, this book will show teenagers how to:
Perform a risk assessment to...
Now more than ever before, today s schools are hazard zones. Students are vulnerable to attack from other students and random individuals who may a...