Solomon wrote the Proverbs while ruling as king over Israel. From Israel to America to China the truth remains the same because it doesn't matter what culture we come from or what language we speak. The needs of the human heart have not changed across the generations. The building blocks of wisdom and good character are the same today as they were in Solomon's day. In The ABCs of Wisdom we will discover 100 qualities that will help us build strong character. If you read the words of this ancient king, and if you put them into practice, you will grow stronger and wiser and you will find that...
Solomon wrote the Proverbs while ruling as king over Israel. From Israel to America to China the truth remains the same because it doesn't matter what...
Sometimes it is said that preachers answer questions no one is asking. Pastor Ray answers the questions Christians ask-from detailed theology to straight Bible questions to questions about specific religious doctrine to questions about current controversial issues.
Put together in an easy-to-read format, this book is for new believers, young Christians (both in age and in years knowing the Lord), and for any church member or spiritual seeker who needs a refresher course in the Christian faith.
Sometimes it is said that preachers answer questions no one is asking. Pastor Ray answers the questions Christians ask-from detailed theology to st...