The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides the chemical physics and physical chemistry fields with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Filled with cutting-edge research reported in a cohesive manner not found elsewhere in the literature, each volume of the Advances in Chemical Physics series serves as the perfect supplement to any advanced graduate class devoted to the study of chemical physics.
The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides the chemical physics and physical chemistry fields with a forum for critical, authoritative ev...
The use of quantum chemistry for the quantitative prediction of molecular properties has long been frustrated by the technical difficulty of carrying out the needed computations. In the last decade there have been substantial advances in the formalism and computer hardware needed to carry out accurate calculations of molecular properties efficiently. These advances have been sufficient to make quantum chemical calculations a reliable tool for the quantitative interpretation of chemical phenomena and a guide to laboratory experiments. However, the success of these recent developments in...
The use of quantum chemistry for the quantitative prediction of molecular properties has long been frustrated by the technical difficulty of carrying ...
The latest edition of the leading forum in chemical physics Edited by Nobel Prize winner Ilya Prigogine and renowned authority Stuart A. Rice. The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations in every area of the discipline. In a format that encourages the expression of individual points of view, experts in the field present comprehensive analyses of subjects of interest. This stand-alone, special topics volume reports recent advances in electron-transfer research, with significant, up-to-date chapters by internationally recognized researchers....
The latest edition of the leading forum in chemical physics Edited by Nobel Prize winner Ilya Prigogine and renowned authority Stuart A. Rice. The Adv...
Edited by Nobel Prize-winner Ilya Prigogine and renowned authority Stuart A. Rice, the Advances in Chemical Physics series provides a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations in every area of the discipline. In a format that encourages the expression of individual points of view, experts in the field present comprehensive analyses of subjects of interest. This stand-alone, special topics volume, edited by Gert D. Billing of the University of Copenhagen and Michael Baer of the Soreq Nuclear Research Center in Yavne, Israel, reports recent advances on the role of degenerate states in...
Edited by Nobel Prize-winner Ilya Prigogine and renowned authority Stuart A. Rice, the Advances in Chemical Physics series provides a forum for critic...
The Nobel laureate and founder of chaos theory challenges the accepted laws of nature, explaining why Einstein's belief that time is merely an illusion is incorrect.
The Nobel laureate and founder of chaos theory challenges the accepted laws of nature, explaining why Einstein's belief that time is merely an illusio...
After discussing the fundamental problems of current science and other philosophic concepts, beginning with controversies between Heraclitus and Parmenides, this book launches into a message of great hope: the future has not been determined.
After discussing the fundamental problems of current science and other philosophic concepts, beginning with controversies between Heraclitus and Parme...
In this book, after discussing the fundamental problems of current science and other philosophic concepts, beginning with controversies between Heraclitus and Parmenides, Ilya Prigogine launches into a message of great hope: the future has not been determined. Contrary to globalisation and the apparent contemporary mass culture society, individual behaviour is beginning to increasingly become the key factor which governs the evolution of both the world and society as a whole. It is a message that challenges existing widespread views, implicitly or explicitly, through mass communication;...
In this book, after discussing the fundamental problems of current science and other philosophic concepts, beginning with controversies between Her...
The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides the chemical physics field with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. This special volume focuses on atoms and photos near meso- and nanobodies, an important area of nontechnology. Nanoscale particles are those between 1 and 100 nm, and they obey neither the laws of quantum physics nor of classical physics due to an extensive delocalization of the valence electrons, which can vary depending on size. This means that different physical properties can be obtained from the same atoms or...
The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides the chemical physics field with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every ...
Ilya (University of Texas, Austin and International Solvay Institutes, University Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium)
Modern Thermodynamics: From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures, Second Edition presents a comprehensive introduction to 20th century thermodynamics that can be applied to both equilibrium and non-equilibrium systems, unifying what was traditionally divided into 'thermodynamics' and 'kinetics' into one theory of irreversible processes.
This comprehensive text, suitable for introductory as well as advanced courses on thermodynamics, has been widely used by chemists, physicists, engineers and geologists. Fully revised and expanded, this new edition includes the following...
Modern Thermodynamics: From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures, Second Edition presents a comprehensive introduction to 20th century the...