This splendid anthology offers an engaging journey through four centuries of North Carolina life. It draws on a wealth of sources--histories, biographies, diaries, novels, short stories, newspapers, and magazines--to show how North Carolina's rich history and remarkable literary achievements cut across economic and racial lines in often surprising ways. There are selections by or about some of the state's best-known sons and daughters, from Daniel Boone and Andrew Jackson to Ava Gardner, Doris Betts, and Tom Wicker; and topics covered include politics, sports, business, family life,...
This splendid anthology offers an engaging journey through four centuries of North Carolina life. It draws on a wealth of sources--histories, biograph...
Translational motion in solution, either diffusion or fluid flow, is at the heart of chemical and biochemical reactivity. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) provides a powerful non-invasive technique for studying the phenomena using magnetic field gradient methods. Describing the physical basis of measurement techniques, with particular emphasis on diffusion, balancing theory with experimental observations and assuming little mathematical knowledge, this is a strong, yet accessible, introduction to the field. A detailed discussion of magnetic field gradient methods applied to Magnetic Resonance...
Translational motion in solution, either diffusion or fluid flow, is at the heart of chemical and biochemical reactivity. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (...
This book presents a review of new developments in NMR for applications in medicinal chemistry and drug discovery. The contents will focus on consolidated and emerging techniques and methods that are at present not widely applied, however it is considered that they could contribute to the advancement of drug discovery and drug development.
This book presents a review of new developments in NMR for applications in medicinal chemistry and drug discovery. The contents will focus on consolid...