This volume covers an extremely visible area of chemistry, optics, and materials science - nonlinear optics in organic materials. Starting with the basic concepts, it explores measurements and molecular engineering, and then brings you up-to-date on the current status of the field. In the final section possible future directions for research in this area are considered.
This volume covers an extremely visible area of chemistry, optics, and materials science - nonlinear optics in organic materials. Starting with the ba...
The only comprehensive treatment of nanophotonics currently available Photonics is an all-encompassing optical science and technology which has impacted a diverse range of fields, from information technology to health care. Nanophotonics is photonic science and technology that utilizes light-matter interactions on the nanoscale, where researchers are discovering new phenomena and developing technologies that go well beyond what is possible with conventional photonics and electronics. These new technologies could include efficient solar power generation, high-bandwidth and high-speed...
The only comprehensive treatment of nanophotonics currently available Photonics is an all-encompassing optical science and technology which has ...
Photonics is being labelled by many as the technology for the 21st century. Because of the structural flexibility both at the molecular and bulk levels, organic materials are emerging as a very important class of nonlinear optical materials to be used for generating necessary nonlinear optical functions for the technology of photonics. Since the last NATO advanced research workshop on "Polymers for Nonlinear Optics"held in June 1988, at Nice - Sophia Antipolis, France. there has been a tremendous growth of interest worldwide and important development in this field. Significant progress has...
Photonics is being labelled by many as the technology for the 21st century. Because of the structural flexibility both at the molecular and bulk level...
This book summarizes the state ofthe art research presented at the Fourth International Conference on Frontiers of Polymersand Advanced Materialsheld in Cairo, Egypt in January 4-9, 1997. This conference follows the successful conferences held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 1995, in Jakarta, Indonesia in 1993 andin New Delhi, India in 1991. These conferences focussed on the most recent and important advances in a wide range of carefully chosen subject areas dealing with advanced materials, their science and technology and new business opportunities resulting from recent technological advances....
This book summarizes the state ofthe art research presented at the Fourth International Conference on Frontiers of Polymersand Advanced Materialsheld ...
The focus of the January 1993 conference was on five frontier areas of polymer research: polymers for photonics, polymers for electronics, high performance polymers, polymers for biotechnology, and polymer blends and composites. Other topics touched on include polymer processing, multifunctional and
The focus of the January 1993 conference was on five frontier areas of polymer research: polymers for photonics, polymers for electronics, high perfor...
Proceedings of a conference held in New Delhi, India, January 1991. The focus is on three frontier areas: polymers for photonics, where nonlinear optical properties of polymers show great promise; polymers for electronics, where new conduction mechanisms and photophysics have generated enthusiasm; a
Proceedings of a conference held in New Delhi, India, January 1991. The focus is on three frontier areas: polymers for photonics, where nonlinear opti...
This book is an introduction to the emerging field of nanomedicine and its applications to health care. It describes the many multidisciplinary challenges facing nanomedicine and discusses the required collaboration between chemists, physicists, engineers and clinicians. The book introduces the reader to nanomedicine's vast potential to improve and extend human life through the application of nanomaterials in diagnosis and treatment of disease.
This book is an introduction to the emerging field of nanomedicine and its applications to health care. It describes the many multidisciplinary challe...
This book is an introduction to the emerging field of nanomedicine and its applications to health care. It describes the many multidisciplinary challenges facing nanomedicine and discusses the required collaboration between chemists, physicists, engineers and clinicians.
This book is an introduction to the emerging field of nanomedicine and its applications to health care. It describes the many multidisciplinary challe...
This book presents the proceedings of the Second International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials held in Jakarta, Indonesia during January 10-15, 1993. This conference was organized and sponsored by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), and the Indonesian Polymer Association. The 244 participants represented a total of 24 countries and a wide variety of academic, industrial and government groups. The inauguration was held in the Royal Palace and...
This book presents the proceedings of the Second International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials held in Jakarta, Indonesia d...
This book represents the proceedings of the First International Conference on Frontiers of Polymer Research held in New Delhi, India during January 20-25, 1991. Polymers have usually been perceived as substances to be used in insulations, coatings, fabrics, and structural materials. Defying this classical view, polymers are emerging as a new class of materials with potential applications in many new technologies. They also offer challenging opportunities for fundamental research. Recognizing a tremendous growth in world wide interest in polymer research and technology, a truly global "1st...
This book represents the proceedings of the First International Conference on Frontiers of Polymer Research held in New Delhi, India during January 20...