This books sets out an approach to the design and development of composite products that will lead to the maximum likelihood of developing commercially successful products, generally in the face of a great deal of uncertainty in most areas of the development process. The book is practically orientated, covering those areas of composite technology most critical to product developments, rather than those of the most theoretical importance, therefore providing a basis for mutual understanding among the broad field of composite specialists. The author's experience provides a hands-on approach to...
This books sets out an approach to the design and development of composite products that will lead to the maximum likelihood of developing commerciall...
ResearchSnap is a game that transforms boring, dull research presentations by students into engaging, learning experiences. It can be very difficult to keep a classroom audience's attention. Many students will draw, doodle, daydream, fall asleep, watch their smartphone, or possibly work on another teachers's assignment. This is a very inefficient use of class time by those students. The ResearchSnap Game solves this problem by reversing the dynamic of the research process. The game simulates a "press conference" or "question and answer session" for their research topic. Even though, this...
ResearchSnap is a game that transforms boring, dull research presentations by students into engaging, learning experiences. It can be very difficul...
Start playing ResearchSnap now The ResearchSnap Quickstart Game Guide assists learners by introducing them to the basics of the game, ResearchSnap. In no time, you will be able to join in and play the interactive and educational game called ResearchSnap.
Start playing ResearchSnap now The ResearchSnap Quickstart Game Guide assists learners by introducing them to the basics of the game, ResearchSnap...