Remember when religion was fun? (Neither do I) This book dares to make religion fun again by taking you on a funny trip from Biblical times to the present tackling such controversial topics as God, Jesus, the Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, suicide bombers, the Bible, evolution, gay marriage, abortion, and life after death. Since religion isn't so fun anymore, more people than ever are becoming atheists. The New Atheist movement has many people deluded about God, even though many still think God is great. This movement is waging war on Christianity and wants religion abolished in the modern...
Remember when religion was fun? (Neither do I) This book dares to make religion fun again by taking you on a funny trip from Biblical times to the pre...
Wake Up, America The American Dream has become the American Nightmare Remember when America was made-up of God-fearing, educated people who were happy, healthy, and not drowning in debt? (Neither do I) This book will wake you up to the reality that America is becoming a Third World nation. The middle class is disappearing, industry has gone overseas, education is a failure, religion and morality have been forgotten, immigration is out of control, and wars for profit have harmed a new generation. Some say the ruling class and financial elite have been engineering America's decline for...
Wake Up, America The American Dream has become the American Nightmare Remember when America was made-up of God-fearing, educated people who were hap...