Die Amerikanerin Sylvia Plath (1932 - 1963), die beste, aufregendste und mageblich rcksichtsloseste Dichterin ihrer Generation (John Updike), hat mit ihrem einzigen Roman, der im Jahr ihres Selbstmordes erschien, ein Jahrhundertbuch geschrieben, das auch heute nichts von seiner beklemmenden Faszination verloren hat. Es war ein verrckter, schwler Sommer, dieser Sommer, in dem die Rosenbergs auf den elektrischen Stuhl kamen und ich nicht wute, was ich in New York eigentlich wollte. Die Collegestudentin Esther Greenwood, von Preisen und Stipendien berhuft, verbringt im schwarzen Sommer von 1953...
Die Amerikanerin Sylvia Plath (1932 - 1963), die beste, aufregendste und mageblich rcksichtsloseste Dichterin ihrer Generation (John Updike), hat mit ...
The poems in Winter Trees were written in the last nine months of Sylvia Plath's life, and form part of the group from which the Ariel poems were chosen.
The poems in Winter Trees were written in the last nine months of Sylvia Plath's life, and form part of the group from which the Ariel poems were chos...
Contains the poems written during the exceptionally creative period of the last years of Sylvia Plath's life. In this book, readers will recognise some of her most celebrated poems - 'Childless Woman', 'Mirror', 'Insomniac' - while discovering those still overlooked, including her radio play Three Women.
Contains the poems written during the exceptionally creative period of the last years of Sylvia Plath's life. In this book, readers will recognise som...
Lips the colour of blood, the sun an unprecedented orange, train wheels that sound like 'guilt, and guilt and guilt': these are just some of the things Mary Venturw begins to notice on her journey to the ninth kingdom. 'But what is the ninth kingdom?' she asks a kind-seemingly lady in her carriage. 'It is the kingdom of the frozen will,' comes the reply. 'There is no going back.' Sylvia Plath's strange, dark tale of independence over infanticide, written not long after she herself home, grapples withmortality in motion.
Lips the colour of blood, the sun an unprecedented orange, train wheels that sound like 'guilt, and guilt and guilt': these are just some of the thing...