Interest in longevity and longevity risk management is burgeoning, as government and regulatory agencies are increasingly conscious of the potential risks and benefits of longer lifespans. Commercial and industrial organizations, especially within the financial sector, are awakening to the opportunities presented by population aging, along with the new array of financial insurance instruments to manage longevity risk, which more sophisticated markets are making possible. This volume explores three main themes: the need for products to manage longevity risk; the structure and safety of...
Interest in longevity and longevity risk management is burgeoning, as government and regulatory agencies are increasingly conscious of the potential r...
Over the last 20 years, applied general equilibrium (AGE) modelling has developed from a small academic research program into a routinely used policy assessment tool. Major governments and international agencies maintain AGE research groups, and call for their input to a variety of trade, tax, and other resource allocation issues. This book is a collection of papers representative of recent activity in this field. Contributions have been grouped into a methodological section, a trade section, and a section on energy issues, and this division accurately indicates the focus of the volume....
Over the last 20 years, applied general equilibrium (AGE) modelling has developed from a small academic research program into a routinely used policy ...
International trade and investment have flourished globally but nowhere so spectacularly as in the Asia-Pacific region. This volume brings together some of the most eminent economists in the field to analyse this vital region from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. The volume focuses especially on trade policy and welfare, game theory analysis of trade policy and the linkages between trade policy and endogenous growth.
International trade and investment have flourished globally but nowhere so spectacularly as in the Asia-Pacific region. This volume brings together so...
Handbook of the Economics of Population Aging, Volume 1A, provides the economic literature on aging and associated subjects, including social insurance and healthcare costs. This text explores the economic literature on aging and associated subjects, including social insurance, health care costs, the interests of policymakers, and the role of academics. As the first of two volumes, users will find it a great resource on the topics associated with the economics of aging.
Together with its companion, volume 1B, this work includes literature that has appeared in general...
Handbook of the Economics of Population Aging, Volume 1A, provides the economic literature on aging and associated subjects, including soci...
Handbook of the Economics of Population Aging synthesizes the economic literature on aging and the subjects associated with it, including social insurance and healthcare costs, both of which are of interest to policymakers and academics. These volumes, the first of a new subseries in the Handbooks in Economics, describe and analyze scholarship created since the inception of serious attention began in the late 1970s, including information from general economics journals, from various field journals in economics, especially, but not exclusively, those covering labor markets and...
Handbook of the Economics of Population Aging synthesizes the economic literature on aging and the subjects associated with it, including so...
Sensory evaluation methods are extensively used in the wine, beer and distilled spirits industries for product development and quality control, while consumer research methods also offer useful insights as the product is being developed. This book introduces sensory evaluation and consumer research methods and provides a detailed analysis of their applications to a variety of different alcoholic beverages.
Chapters in part one look at the principles of sensory evaluation and how these can be applied to alcoholic beverages, covering topics such as shelf life evaluation and gas...
Sensory evaluation methods are extensively used in the wine, beer and distilled spirits industries for product development and quality control, while ...