Alien Invasion of Earth Peter Thompson, a typical seventh-grader, finds himself touring the planet with his friends Susan Simmons and Duncan Dougal, and three aliens in disguise Their mission? To file the final report that will determine Earth's future in the universe. As the clock ticks away the hours before their meeting in space, the tour becomes weirder and weirder. The three friends come face-to-face with a plague of poots and "Big Julie" -- the weirdest alien yet Meanwhile Peter discovers a secret that was hidden for decades. Will his discovery save Earth,...
Alien Invasion of Earth Peter Thompson, a typical seventh-grader, finds himself touring the planet with his friends Susan Simmons and Dun...
Brains are sizzling in the seventh grade... The first day of seventh grade is probably the worst day of Duncan Dougal's life. He knows that things are really bad when he finds an alien's hand in a Dumpster and then gets plugged into an alien brain fryer Can Duncan find out which of the four new teachers in his school is an alien before his brains get fried to a pulp -- or before the aliens try to fry the whole planet?
Brains are sizzling in the seventh grade... The first day of seventh grade is probably the worst day of Duncan Dougal's life. He knows tha...
Kidnapped in Space? Peter Thompson has had some pretty weird teachers in his time. By the time he discovers that his newest teacher glows in the dark, he's flying away from Earth in a spaceship full of aliens, and there's no one he can call. How do you report an alien to the FBI anyway? Before Peter can do anything, he's taken on the strangest field trip of his life His friends, his father, his school -- all are suddenly a million miles away
Kidnapped in Space? Peter Thompson has had some pretty weird teachers in his time. By the time he discovers that his newest teacher glows ...