Plagued by recurring dreams of a faceless, yet strangely familiar man, and struggling to adapt to unique powers, Morgan Cauldwell moves halfway across the country to Manchester Academy. Once at MAC, Morgan meets the mysterious Chase Thomas. He knows more about Morgan than she knows about herself, and through him, Morgan learns she is Gifted. With the help of Chase and the Gifted Council, Morgan begins to learn how to control and develop the powers that have kept her isolated her whole life. While the mysteries of her dream man begin to unfold, Morgan's powers quickly surpass even the...
Plagued by recurring dreams of a faceless, yet strangely familiar man, and struggling to adapt to unique powers, Morgan Cauldwell moves halfway across...
There are three powerful ways to reduce your cancer risk or help recovery alongside treatment - your exercise, diet and emotional health. Eat to Outsmart Cancer clears up some of the confusing and often conflicting messages around healthy eating, and inspires you to make lifestyle changes at your own pace. Jenny Phillips is a testimony to this approach, remaining cancer free since 2003. She is now a qualified nutritionist and yoga teacher.
There are three powerful ways to reduce your cancer risk or help recovery alongside treatment - your exercise, diet and emotional health. Eat to Ou...