At last--a revolutionary state-of-the-art thesaurus that puts scores of synonyms at your fingertips
Revised and Expanded 3rd Edition ROGET'S 21st CENTURY THESAURUS IN DICTIONARY FORM
Combining scholarly authority with a new awareness of today's communication demands, Roget's 21st Century Thesaurusis the simple, reliable way to find the perfect word for your needs. It features an easy-to-use dictionary format plus a revolutionary Concept Index that arranges words by idea, thus enhancing the user's process of association and leading to scores of...
At last--a revolutionary state-of-the-art thesaurus that puts scores of synonyms at your fingertips
The 21st Century Spanish-English/English-Spanish Dictionary is an invaluable reference source for today's students, business people and travelers, providing essential information in an easy-to-use format. It is one of four books in the new 21st Century line of foreign dictionaries, which also includes:
The dual format of these dictionaries eliminates the need to use two dictionaries. Students The 21st Century Spanish-English/English-Spanish Dictionaryto find the...
The 21st Century Spanish-English/English-Spanish Dictionary is an invaluable reference source for today's students, business people and travele...
Learn to navigate the data explosion of the information age by increasing your reading speed in just fifteen minutes a day.
If you are like most students and businesspeople, you probably feel bombarded with more books, journals, letters, and newspapers than you can possibly read, much less absorb. Now, with the innovative, time-tested techniques provided by The Princeton Language Institute, you can learn to handle this avalanche of printed material with ease. And it takes just minutes a day to master the skills that will last a lifetime.
- Tests to measure your current...
Learn to navigate the data explosion of the information age by increasing your reading speed in just fifteen minutes a day.
This collection of step-by-step practices from ancient cultures, world religions, and psychological disciplines provides readers with the self-renewing, spiritually, uplifting rewards of retreat anytime, anywhere. We all crave periods of silence and introspection, but with lives lived at an ever-increasing pace most of us find fewer opportunities to fill that need. Now, psychologist Rachel Harris has come to the rescue with this unique collection of 20-, 5- and 1-minute mini-retreats-short periods of meditation, contemplation or self-discovery drawn from traditions and practices as varied...
This collection of step-by-step practices from ancient cultures, world religions, and psychological disciplines provides readers with the self-rene...