A connoisseur's compendium of Freudian slips, spoonerisms, double-talk, and utter bosh from famousand infamous figures past and present -- acomplete course in anti-eloquence by the foot-in-mouthchampions of all time."
A connoisseur's compendium of Freudian slips, spoonerisms, double-talk, and utter bosh from famousand infamous figures past and present -- acomplete c...
This is the first guide to include every aspect of retirement. All the information necessary to design a retirement life-style that works for your individual needs is given. Written in a clear, step-by-step format, The Only Retirement Guide offers advice on such topics as annuities, pensions, and IRAs, retirement communities, starting your own business, managing health care, and retiring abroad.
This is the first guide to include every aspect of retirement. All the information necessary to design a retirement life-style that works for your ind...
Uncommon times call for uncommon wisdom. It's inspiring to hear from people who've graduated from the school of hard knocks, yet kept a sense of humor. People like Twain, Voltaire, Oscar Wilde. People who've said the thing so well that we all wish we'd said it. People who've been there, done that, and refuse to sugarcoat what they've learned. People who know, as Sherry Hochman puts it, that "Every day is a gift--even if it sucks."
From Kathryn and Ross petras, curators of craziness (and surprising smarts), comes a timely collection of reassuring reality:
"Why is there so...
Uncommon times call for uncommon wisdom. It's inspiring to hear from people who've graduated from the school of hard knocks, yet kept a sense of humor...
Timeless in their wisdom, thought-provoking in their message, surprising in their truth and memorable in their originality, the right words can give direction, inspiration, and sometimes a tangible boost onto the right path. For example, Steve Jobs once read "Stay hungry Stay foolish" on the back cover of The Whole Earth Catalog, and those four words came to guide his life.
Created by Kathryn and Ross Petras, connoisseurs of quotes, whose books and calendars have over 56 million copies in print, "Dance First. Think Later." is a collection of the greatest life wisdom from an...
Timeless in their wisdom, thought-provoking in their message, surprising in their truth and memorable in their originality, the right words can give d...
Pursuing a dream is hard work, but the right words delivered at the right time--by people who've been there and done that--can give us just the motivation we need. The right words can rekindle our enthusiasm, re-energize our efforts, dispel doubt, let us know we're not alone, and show us that the fight is worth it--and winnable.
Kathryn and Ross Petras are masters at choosing and delivering just the right words. Their books--such as "Age Doesn't Matter Unless You're a Cheese" and "Dance First. Think Later."--and bestselling calendar, The 365 Stupidest Things...
Pursuing a dream is hard work, but the right words delivered at the right time--by people who've been there and done that--can give us just the mot...
Wretched writing is the lowest of the low; it is a felonious assault on the English language. Exuberantly excessive, it is a sin committed often by amateurs and all-too-frequently by gifted writers having an off day. In short, it s very bad writing. Truly bad. Appallingly bad. It s also very funny. A celebration of the worst writing imaginable, Wretched Writing includes inadvertently filthy book titles, ridiculously overwrought passages from novels, bombastic and confusing speeches, moronic oxymorons, hyperactive hyperbole, horribly inappropriate imagery in ostensibly hot sex...
Wretched writing is the lowest of the low; it is a felonious assault on the English language. Exuberantly excessive, it is a sin committed often by am...
A book of inspirational quotations, Nothing Is Worth More Than This Day presents hundreds of reminders from some of the smartest people who ever lived--from Dr. Seuss to Erma Bombeck, Thich Nhat Hanh to Lena Dunham--that happiness is everywhere and the glass is half-full. It's the perfect gift of optimism, for good times and not-so-good times.
A book of inspirational quotations, Nothing Is Worth More Than This Day presents hundreds of reminders from some of the smartest people who eve...