Real Hope in Chicago is Wayne Gordon's inspiring account of how people, white and black, rich and poor, old and young, worked together to transform a decaying neighborhood into a place where love is lived out in practical and miraculous ways. It offers an exciting model for interracial cooperation, urban-suburban church partnering--and real hope for the inner cities of our nation.
Real Hope in Chicago is Wayne Gordon's inspiring account of how people, white and black, rich and poor, old and young, worked together to transform a ...
The New York Times bestseller Confessions of an Economic Hit Man documents John Perkins' extraordinary career as a globe-trotting economic hit man. Perkins' insider's view leads him to crisis of conscience--to the realization that he must devote himself to work which will foster a world-wide awareness of the sanctity of indigenous peoples, their cultures, and their environments. Perkins' books demonstrate how the age-old shamanic techniques of some of the world's most primitive peoples have sparked a revolution in modern concepts about healing, the...
After 'Hit Man'
The New York Times bestseller Confessions of an Economic Hit Man documents John Perkins' extraordinary career as a g...