Measured geodesic laminations are a natural generalization of simple closed curves in surfaces, and they play a decisive role in various developments in two-and three-dimensional topology, geometry, and dynamical systems. This book presents a self-contained and comprehensive treatment of the rich combinatorial structure of the space of measured geodesic laminations in a fixed surface. Families of measured geodesic laminations are described by specifying a train track in the surface, and the space of measured geodesic laminations is analyzed by studying properties of train tracks in the...
Measured geodesic laminations are a natural generalization of simple closed curves in surfaces, and they play a decisive role in various developmen...
This book offers an introduction to mathematical proofs and to the fundamentals of modern mathematics. No real prerequisites are needed other than a suitable level of mathematical maturity. The text is divided into two parts, the first of which constitutes the core of a one-semester course covering proofs, predicate calculus, set theory, elementary number theory, relations, and functions, and the second of which applies this material to a more advanced study of selected topics in pure mathematics, applied mathematics, and computer science, specifically cardinality, combinatorics, finite-state...
This book offers an introduction to mathematical proofs and to the fundamentals of modern mathematics. No real prerequisites are needed other than a s...
The central theme of this volume is the contemporary mathematics of geometry and physics, but the work also discusses the problem of the secondary structure of proteins, and an overview of are complexes with proposed applications to macromolecular folding is given.
The central theme of this volume is the contemporary mathematics of geometry and physics, but the work also discusses the problem of the secondary str...