By modern analytic mechanics we mean the classical mechanics of today, that is, the mechanics that has proven particularly useful in understanding the universe as we experience it from the solar system, to particle accelerators, to rocket motion. The mathematical and numerical techniques that are part of this mechanics that we present are those that we have found to be particularly productive in our work in the subject. The balance of topics in this book is somewhat different from previous texts. We emphasize the use of phase space to describe the dynamics of a system and to have a...
By modern analytic mechanics we mean the classical mechanics of today, that is, the mechanics that has proven particularly useful in understanding the...
The historical and epistemological reflection on the applications of mathematical techniques to the Sciences of Nature - physics, biology, chemistry, and geology - today generates attention and interest because of the increasing use of mathematical models in all sciences and their high level of sophistication. The goal of the meeting and the papers collected in this proceedings volume is to give physicists, biologists, mathematicians, and historians of science the opportunity to share information on their work and reflect on the and mathematical models are used in the natural sciences today...
The historical and epistemological reflection on the applications of mathematical techniques to the Sciences of Nature - physics, biology, chemistry, ...
Determinism, holism and complexity: three epistemological attitudes that have easily identifiable historical origins and developments. Galileo believed that it was necessary to "prune the impediments" to extract the mathematical essence of physical phenomena, to identify the math ematical structures representing the underlying laws. This Galilean method was the key element in the development of Physics, with its extraordinary successes. Nevertheless the method was later criticized because it led to a view of nature as essentially "simple and orderly," and thus by choosing not to investigate...
Determinism, holism and complexity: three epistemological attitudes that have easily identifiable historical origins and developments. Galileo believe...
Market: Physicists, especially beam physicists and elementary particle physicists, as well as science historians and students. In the 1950s and 60s a revolution took place in our ability to handle and manipulate particle beams. This revolution cleared a path for major advances and changed forever the way matter is explored at the subnuclear level. This volume gathers together for the first time the seminal papers on the development and expansion of collider physics. Included are groundbreaking writings from Gersh Budker, Donald Kerst, Bruno Touschek, Nobel laureate Simon van der Meer, Gerry...
Market: Physicists, especially beam physicists and elementary particle physicists, as well as science historians and students. In the 1950s and 60s a ...
By modern analytic mechanics we mean the classical mechanics of today, that is, the mechanics that has proven particularly useful in understanding the universe as we experience it from the solar system, to particle accelerators, to rocket motion. The mathematical and numerical techniques that are part of this mechanics that we present are those that we have found to be particularly productive in our work in the subject. The balance of topics in this book is somewhat different from previous texts. We emphasize the use of phase space to describe the dynamics of a system and to have a...
By modern analytic mechanics we mean the classical mechanics of today, that is, the mechanics that has proven particularly useful in understanding the...
Determinism, holism and complexity: three epistemological attitudes that have easily identifiable historical origins and developments. Galileo believed that it was necessary to "prune the impediments" to extract the mathematical essence of physical phenomena, to identify the math ematical structures representing the underlying laws. This Galilean method was the key element in the development of Physics, with its extraordinary successes. Nevertheless the method was later criticized because it led to a view of nature as essentially "simple and orderly," and thus by choosing not to investigate...
Determinism, holism and complexity: three epistemological attitudes that have easily identifiable historical origins and developments. Galileo believe...
The historical and epistemological reflection on the applications of mathematical techniques to the Sciences of Nature - physics, biology, chemistry, and geology - today generates attention and interest because of the increasing use of mathematical models in all sciences and their high level of sophistication. The goal of the meeting and the papers collected in this proceedings volume is to give physicists, biologists, mathematicians, and historians of science the opportunity to share information on their work and reflect on the and mathematical models are used in the natural sciences today...
The historical and epistemological reflection on the applications of mathematical techniques to the Sciences of Nature - physics, biology, chemistry, ...