This Casebook is a collection of interpretations of Crime and Punishment. The selection not only reflects earlier work by major critics in the field, but also more recent studies. At the same time the choice of critical approaches has been made on the basis of covering the novel's various aspects: Dostoevsky's debt to other novelists in the European tradition; his roots as a writer in the so-called "Natural School" of the 1840s with its emphasis on the theme of the city; the thematic and symbolic structure of the novel itself; the psychology of the hero; the philosophical content of...
This Casebook is a collection of interpretations of Crime and Punishment. The selection not only reflects earlier work by major critics in th...
This inspiring look at conversion in the Bible offers promising new changes in the way we view-and do-evangelism today. In order to be effective in evangelism, one must clearly understand the dynamics of conversion. Richard Peace here examines two very different conversion experiences-Paul's and the twelve disciples'-and explains their implications for contemporary evangelism. By showing how conversion can take place either suddenly or gradually over time, Peace gives good reasons, and suggests practical ways, to replace one-sided evangelism techniques with more wholistic methods.
This inspiring look at conversion in the Bible offers promising new changes in the way we view-and do-evangelism today. In order to be effective in ev...
Richard Peace teaches you how to engage in easy and comfortable conversation about the good news of Jesus. Explaining the gospel in plain language and offering practical suggestions for sharing your faith with friends, neighbors and colleagues, he provides twelve study and discussion sessions perfect for small groups to work through--and try out--together.
Richard Peace teaches you how to engage in easy and comfortable conversation about the good news of Jesus. Explaining the gospel in plain language and...
The 8 sessions of this study guide show you how to recognize God working your life. Start noticing the progression from who you have been to who you are meant to become by keeping a spiritual journal. If using in a group, personal study is needed between meetings.
The 8 sessions of this study guide show you how to recognize God working your life. Start noticing the progression from who you have been to wh...
In this study's 8 sessions, you'll discover, write, and tell the ups and downs of your spiritual autobiography--and you'll see God at work in your life. If using in a group, personal study is needed between meetings.
In this study's 8 sessions, you'll discover, write, and tell the ups and downs of your spiritual autobiography--and you'll see God at work in ...
This is a critical introduction to Dostoyevsky's work Professor of Peace concentrates on the four major novels, Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Devils and The Brothers Karamazov. He analyses them in detail, paying particular attention to theme, interprets complexities of structure and characterisation, and defines Dostoyevsky's literary achievement. His arguments are reinforced by extensive quotation in English.
This is a critical introduction to Dostoyevsky's work Professor of Peace concentrates on the four major novels, Crime and Punishment, The...
This Casebook is a collection of interpretations of Crime and Punishment. The selection not only reflects earlier work by major critics in the field, but also more recent studies. At the same time the choice of critical approaches has been made on the basis of covering the novel's various aspects: Dostoevsky's debt to other novelists in the European tradition; his roots as a writer in the so-called "Natural School" of the 1840s with its emphasis on the theme of the city; the thematic and symbolic structure of the novel itself; the psychology of the hero; the philosophical content of...
This Casebook is a collection of interpretations of Crime and Punishment. The selection not only reflects earlier work by major critics in th...
Este manual nos guia por un estudio del concepto biblico de la evangelizacion, la metodologia tras el grupo pequeno, y combinando la teoria con la practica, nos lleva a la experiencia. Este es el manual de capacitacion, para grupos pequenos, con pautas para que coordine el grupo. Es una herramienta, que funciona igualmente en el contexto del hogar, iglesia o el aula."
Este manual nos guia por un estudio del concepto biblico de la evangelizacion, la metodologia tras el grupo pequeno, y combinando la teoria con la pra...
Improper self-love leads to a lifestyle that is selfish and self-destructive. But failing to love yourself adequately is also self-destructive. Without proper self-esteem, people fail to use their God-given gifts and have difficulty loving others. Jesus calls us to walk the narrow road between selfishness and selflessness. This study will help you do so. You will learn how to study the Bible as you examine and discuss topics such as Loving Ourselves, Valuing Ourselves, Understanding Ourselves, Behaving Ourselves, Forgiveness for Ourselves, Growing Ourselves, Being Ourselves. Each chapter has...
Improper self-love leads to a lifestyle that is selfish and self-destructive. But failing to love yourself adequately is also self-destructive. Withou...