This volume began with a workshop of the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence held in 2001. Concerned with embodied agents as cultural objects and subjects, the book is divided into three parts. It begins by drawing attention to the cultural embeddedness of technology in general and agent design in particular, as a reminder that there cannot be an agent without culture. The section concludes that agent systems not only can be used to establish a shared understanding, but can also promote the diversity of understanding and identity. Part II consists of chapters dealing...
This volume began with a workshop of the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence held in 2001. Concerned with embodied agents as cultu...
Jeder Lernsoftware liegt eine Lerntheorie zugrunde. Meistens wird sie jedoch nicht offen dargelegt: weder ist sie den Entwicklern der Software bewusst, noch kann sie von Pädagogen aus der Benutzung der Software ergründet werden. In diese Lücke, die sich in der Vergangenheit oft als unüberbrückbare Kluft zwischen Technik und Bildungswissenschaft erwies, stößt dieses Buch. "Wissen", "Lernen" und "Handeln" werden vom Standpunkt sozialwissenschaftlicher Handlungstheorien beleuchtet und zu einer ganzheitlichen Sicht des Lernens entwickelt, die sich mit dem Schlüsselbegriff ,,Expertentum"...
Jeder Lernsoftware liegt eine Lerntheorie zugrunde. Meistens wird sie jedoch nicht offen dargelegt: weder ist sie den Entwicklern der Software bewusst...
Few developments in the intellectual life of the past quarter-century have provoked more controversy than the attempt to engineer human-like intelligence by artificial means. Born of computer science, this effort has sparked a continuing debate among the psychologists, neuroscientists, philosophers, and linguists who have pioneered--and criticized--artificial intelligence. Are there general principles, as some computer scientists had originally hoped, that would fully describe the activity of both animal and machine minds, just as aerodynamics accounts for the flight of birds and...
Few developments in the intellectual life of the past quarter-century have provoked more controversy than the attempt to engineer human-like intell...