A journey into the most secret place in America A story of secrecy, suspicion, and conspiracy A history of a place that does not legally exist
Dreamland zooms in on Area 51--the nearly four million acres of Nevada airspace that has been a base for experimental military aircraft, the fount of UFO rumors, and the alleged site of alien insurrection. How this real-life legend came to exist is Phil Patton's tale. He explores the mystery and fantasy surrounding the place, peeks over the edge of paranoia, and tracks strange objects in the air above this country of the mind. He visits...
A journey into the most secret place in America A story of secrecy, suspicion, and conspiracy A history of a place that does not legally exist <...
Wheels of history: From the Model T and DB5 to the VW Beetle and the Hummer Henry Ford jump-started the age of the automobile with the first assembly-line car in 1908: the Model T. Over the next century the automobile evolved from chugging workhorse to tail fin-era showboat to sleek status symbol, complete with sleek hood ornament. Initially a novelty item, the car grew into a necessity of the modern age, and a vector of freedom on the open road. 20th Century Classic Cars offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade by decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann...
Wheels of history: From the Model T and DB5 to the VW Beetle and the Hummer Henry Ford jump-started the age of the automobile with the first assembly-...