Detective Inspector Tom Jackson and his sergeant, Charles Rigby are called in to investigate when Colin Lovell returns home to find his wife dead and his young son missing. However, Jackson has more to worry about than a murder and a missing child.
Detective Inspector Tom Jackson and his sergeant, Charles Rigby are called in to investigate when Colin Lovell returns home to find his wife dead and ...
Asian Orange was written to fulfill two significant needs in my life. The first need is that of responding to my muse. My muse periodically stands on my shoulder, tugs at my collar, and whispers in my ear that I must keep my creative juices flowing. It reminds me that I have "life songs" that have gone yet unsung. The second and most crucial need is that of allowing myself to release pent-up emotions about the Vienam War, one of the most defining periods of my life. As I wrote, I was afforded an entre into a part of my psyche from which I had chosen to escape. As I thought and wrote about my...
Asian Orange was written to fulfill two significant needs in my life. The first need is that of responding to my muse. My muse periodically stands on ...
For the past 25 years, Ron Parker has lectured, written and consulted in the field of Business Operations Improvement. The articles in this book are a brief digest and sample of the most valuable lessons learned on such topics as: Metrics - Technology Integration - Accountability and Motivation - Roles & Responsibilities - Operations Methods, Procedures & Work Flow - Customer Service & Call Center Operations - Sustainable Customer Service and Support - Reduction of Scrap, Re-Work and Returned Product - Quality Data Analysis & Reporting - Decision Support and Back Office Processes - Scheduling...
For the past 25 years, Ron Parker has lectured, written and consulted in the field of Business Operations Improvement. The articles in this book are a...
Thought Blurts is a collection of brief, thought-provoking statements and expressions that have occurred to the author, usually during moments of perfect clarity. These sometimes humorous, most-times obvious mental outbursts were recorded by the author over a period spanning many years. Blurts may provide the reader with true 'Aha' moments and are best taken in small doses.
Thought Blurts is a collection of brief, thought-provoking statements and expressions that have occurred to the author, usually during moments of perf...
This book on Tactical Management is based on Mr. Parker's live presentations and workshops, conducted over the last twenty-five years. For those who have studied the subject and for those who are beginners, this book defines and illustrates bedrock concepts that every manager needs.
This book on Tactical Management is based on Mr. Parker's live presentations and workshops, conducted over the last twenty-five years. For those who h...