Fascinating . . . One of the most important stories in the history of science. "Washington Post" In recent years, a handful of scientists has been racing to explain a disturbing aspect of our universe: only 4 percent of it consists of the matter that makes up you, me, and every star and planet. The rest is completely unknown. Richard Panek tells the dramatic story of how scientists reached this cosmos-shattering conclusion. In vivid detail, he narrates the quest to find the dark matter and an even more bizarre substance called dark energy that make up 96 percent of the universe....
Fascinating . . . One of the most important stories in the history of science. "Washington Post" In recent years, a handful of scientists has ...
"The right brain has created the right book for right now."--Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Temple Grandin may be the most famous person with autism, a condition that affects 1 in 88 children. Since her birth in 1947, our understanding of it has undergone a great transformation, leading to more hope than ever before that we may finally learn the causes of and treatments for autism. Weaving her own experience with remarkable new discoveries, Grandin introduces the advances in neuroimaging and genetic research that link brain science to behavior, even sharing her own brain scan to show...
"The right brain has created the right book for right now."--Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Temple Grandin may be the most famous person with auti...