A NATO Advanced Study Institute on "New Developments in Lipid-Protein Interactions and Receptor Function" was held on the Island of Spetsai, Greece, from August 16-27, 1992. This Institute was organized to bring together researchers in the field of membrane organization and dynamics with those actively involved in studies on receptor function, signal transduction mechanisms and gene regulation. 2 Presentations and discussions focussed on the regulation of intracellular Ca +-levels, on the second messengers derived from inositol lipids and on the specific phospholipase C isozymes involved in...
A NATO Advanced Study Institute on "New Developments in Lipid-Protein Interactions and Receptor Function" was held on the Island of Spetsai, Greece, f...
A NATO Advanced Study Institute on "New Developments and Methods in Membrane Research and Biological Energy Transduction" was held in order to consider some of the most recent developments in membrane research methodologies and results, with particular emphasis on studies of biological energy transduction. The partic ipants in the Institute dealt with three general areas of membrane study: membrane structure (with emphasis on lipid and protein components), membrane component assembly (with particular emphasis on mitochondria and chloroplasts), and the specialized functions of certain membrane...
A NATO Advanced Study Institute on "New Developments and Methods in Membrane Research and Biological Energy Transduction" was held in order to conside...
Twenty years ago, the enzyme superoxide dismutase which uses the superoxide radical anion as its specific substrate was reported. With this discovery was born a new scientific field, in which oxygen, necessary for aerobi c 1 ife on thi s planet, had to be cons i dered also in terms of its toxicity and stresses. This stimulated the search for knowledge of active oxygen species in biology and medicine. Superoxide and other reactive oxygen species are now implicated in many disease processes. Major advances have been achieved during these past years with respect to free radical generation and...
Twenty years ago, the enzyme superoxide dismutase which uses the superoxide radical anion as its specific substrate was reported. With this discovery ...
An internationally known scientist joins the bestselling coauthor of ""The Melatonin Miracle"" to introduce the healing power of the antioxidant network--the different antioxidants that work together with much more strength than they do individually.
An internationally known scientist joins the bestselling coauthor of ""The Melatonin Miracle"" to introduce the healing power of the antioxidant netwo...