Examining Byzantine architecture--primarily churches built in the area of Constantinople between the ninth and fifteenth centuries--from the perspective of its masons, its master builders, Robert Ousterhout identifies the problems commonly encountered in the process of design and construction. He analyzes written evidence, the archaeological record, and especially the surviving buildings, concluding that Byzantine architecture was far more innovative than has previously been acknowledged.
Ousterhout explains how masons selected, manufactured, and utilized materials from bricks and...
Examining Byzantine architecture--primarily churches built in the area of Constantinople between the ninth and fifteenth centuries--from the perspe...
Bizans mimarisini, agirlikli olarak da dokuzuncu yuzyilla on besinci yuzyil arasi Konstantinopolis bolgesinde insa edilmis olan kiliseleri inceleyen Robert Ousterhout, tasarim ve insaat sureclerinde en sik karsilasilan sorunlari tespit ediyor. Yazili kanitlari, arkeolojik kayitlari ve ozellikle de ayakta kalmis olan yapilari analiz ederek Bizans mimarisinin, bilindiginden cok daha yaratici ve yenilikci oldugu sonucuna variyor. Ousterhout, ustalarin tugla ve harctan cati kiremitlerine, temellerden kubbelere kadar tum malzemeleri nasil sectiklerini, urettiklerini ve kullandiklarini anlatiyor....
Bizans mimarisini, agirlikli olarak da dokuzuncu yuzyilla on besinci yuzyil arasi Konstantinopolis bolgesinde insa edilmis olan kiliseleri inceleyen R...