When life seems to be full of doubt and uncertainty we tend to look for a source of inspiration: what will happen in the future? What about my health, the children? What will happen if I make this decision and not that one? This is how the traditional tarot is often used, to satisfy a longing to know about the past and future. This Osho Zen Tarot focuses instead on gaining an understanding of the here and now. It is a system based on the wisdom of Zen, a wisdom that says events in the outer world simply reflect in the outer world simply reflect our own thoughts and feelings, even though we...
When life seems to be full of doubt and uncertainty we tend to look for a source of inspiration: what will happen in the future? What about my heal...
In Freedom, Osho outlines three stages of freedom. The first is "freedom from," which is a freedom that comes from breaking out of what he calls the "psychological slavery" imposed by outside forces such as parents, society, or religion. The next stage is "freedom for," a positive freedom that comes from embracing and creating something---a fulfilling relationship, for example, or an artistic or humanitarian vision. And lastly there is "just freedom," the highest and ultimate freedom. This last freedom is more than being for or against something; it is the freedom of simply being...
In Freedom, Osho outlines three stages of freedom. The first is "freedom from," which is a freedom that comes from breaking out of what he c...
In Intelligence, Osho challenges the common conception that the best way to promote intelligence is to train the intellect. Intellect is logical, he says; intelligence is paradoxical. Intellect takes things apart to see how they work; intelligence puts things together to see the functioning of the whole. Osho posits that when our education systems put too much emphasis on developing intellect, an imbalance is created and both the individual and the society suffer. It is only through intelligence that we can respond creatively to the challenges of a changing world.
The Insights...
In Intelligence, Osho challenges the common conception that the best way to promote intelligence is to train the intellect. Intellect is log...
Using eleven Zen stories as a starting point and diving deep into their mysterious world, he then weaves his magical clarity on many diverse contemporary topics. From the true meaning of happiness to an understanding of the process of death, it's all here. To begin reading this book is to commence a journey into the world of wonder. Buddha s disciple Subhuti is showered with blossoms upon experiencing sublime emptiness. But isn t emptiness usually an absence of something? Through his commentary on this seemingly strange tale, Osho illuminates the vast difference between a negative and a...
Using eleven Zen stories as a starting point and diving deep into their mysterious world, he then weaves his magical clarity on many diverse contempor...
Kabir is a 15th-century Indian mystic. Born a lower-caste weaver, Kabir opposed superstition, empty ritualism and bigotry. His teachings include scathing attacks against Brahmanical pride, caste prejudice and the very concept of untouchability, as well as exposing the dogmatism and bigotry he perceived around him. Unusually, even for his time, he was embraced by disciples who had been raised in both Hindu and Muslim traditions, who saw in him the embodiment of a life-affirmative approach that transcended the narrow dogmas that divide people and set them against one another. Here, Osho...
Kabir is a 15th-century Indian mystic. Born a lower-caste weaver, Kabir opposed superstition, empty ritualism and bigotry. His teachings include scath...
Osho sees Zen not as a historical spiritual tradition, but as the future of a humanity that has matured to the point that people no longer need religions controlled by priesthoods and based on fearful superstitions that cripple people s innate intelligence and divide them from one another. This book offers a deeper understanding of the underlying differences between Eastern and Western approaches to religion and the nature of consciousness. It'sa beautiful introduction to a world where each individual has the capacity for an instant and profound understanding of existence, and a rebirth of...
Osho sees Zen not as a historical spiritual tradition, but as the future of a humanity that has matured to the point that people no longer need religi...