Although now featuring a new cover, The Faith We Affirm, by Ronald E. Osborn, remains the same useful resource on the inside. This overview is based on the statement of faith in the Preamble to The Design for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Designed to engage Disciples in thinking responsibly about the faith we affirm in the light of our heritage, this resource will work as either an individual or group study. The Faith We Affirm includes six chapters that can be used for an intensive six-session course or divided to supply a quarter's study. Questions for discussion and...
Although now featuring a new cover, The Faith We Affirm, by Ronald E. Osborn, remains the same useful resource on the inside. This overview is based o...
Description: In this wide-ranging collection of essays Ronald E. Osborn explores the politically subversive and nonviolent anarchist dimensions of Christian discipleship in response to dilemmas of power, suffering, and war. Essays engage texts and thinkers from Homer's Iliad, the Hebrew Bible, and the New Testament to portraits of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Noam Chomsky, and Elie Wiesel. This book also analyzes the Allied bombing of civilians in World War II, the peculiar contribution of the Seventh-day Adventist apocalyptic imagination to Christian social ethics, and the role of deceptive language...
Description: In this wide-ranging collection of essays Ronald E. Osborn explores the politically subversive and nonviolent anarchist dimensions of Chr...
2014 ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award Did animals have predatory natures before the fall? Did God punish innocent animals with a curse because of human sin? Is it possible for theistic evolution to be compatible with the Bible, even though animal death before the fall would contradict the teaching that death began after the first sin? In this eloquent and provocative "open letter" to evangelicals, Ronald Osborn wrestles with these pointed questions and with the problem of biblical literalism and animal suffering within an evolutionary understanding of the world. Considering the topic of animal...
2014 ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award Did animals have predatory natures before the fall? Did God punish innocent animals with a curse because of human...