If you've ever. . . -wondered what's in the Bible Jesus studied -promised yourself, "One of these days, I'm going to get serious about reading the whole Old Testament" -wanted a personal "guide" to lead you through unfamiliar territory in the Old Testament . . . then this book is for you Discover the Life-Changing Relevance of the Old Testament Taking the Old Testament Challenge is an integral part of Old Testament Challenge, a dynamic program for churches. This individual reading guide brings the Old Testament up close and personal as each participant takes a life-transforming journey...
If you've ever. . . -wondered what's in the Bible Jesus studied -promised yourself, "One of these days, I'm going to get serious about reading the ...
SI QUIERES CAMINAR SOBRE LAS AGUAS TIENES QUE SALIR DE LA BARCA Es posible que Pedro fuera el primero en salir de la embarcacion, pero la invitacion de Jesus es extensiva a usted hoy. Lo que le espera fuera es mucho agua y pocas probabilidades de mantenerse firme. Como seguidores de Cristo podemos seguir su llamado pero, caminar sobre las aguas? Caminar sobre las aguas es: -Enfrentar los temores y no dejar que estos digan la ultima palabra. -Descubrir el llamado de Dios y seguirlo toda la vida. -Experimentar el poder de Dios en su vida para hacer lo que no podia por sus propias fuerzas....
SI QUIERES CAMINAR SOBRE LAS AGUAS TIENES QUE SALIR DE LA BARCA Es posible que Pedro fuera el primero en salir de la embarcacion, pero la invitacion d...
COMO EXPLICAR UN AMOR QUE NO TIENE EXPLICACION? Que sucedera si dejas que este amor conmueva tu corazon? Descubra al Dios que siempre ha deseado encontrar: un Padre que le ama y que esta comprometido con su mayor felicidad. En su mundo que llora por ser amado, ha sido impactado por el amor de Dios? En su interior, aun lo ve como una figura autoritaria que demanda que se haga todo de forma correcta o ha vislumbrado a su Padre celestial como realmente esta, sonriendole con gozo indescriptible? John Ortberg descorre las cortinas que cubren este concepto erroneo para revelar lo que siempre usted...
COMO EXPLICAR UN AMOR QUE NO TIENE EXPLICACION? Que sucedera si dejas que este amor conmueva tu corazon? Descubra al Dios que siempre ha deseado encon...
Que representa en realidad vivir una verdadera vida espiritual? Que te impide vivir una vida como esta? Que puedes hacer para obtenerla? Si estas cansado del status quo --si sospechas que el cristianismo es algo mas de lo que has experimentado-- John Ortberg senala un camino de transformacion y vigor espiritual que todos pueden seguir. Uno que te conduce a La vida que siempre quisiste.
Que representa en realidad vivir una verdadera vida espiritual? Que te impide vivir una vida como esta? Que puedes hacer para obtenerla? Si estas cans...
Normal? Quien es normal? Es seguro que usted no lo es. Tampoco lo es nadie que conozca. Ninguno de nosotros somos normales de acuerdo con la definicion de Dios, y mientras mas cerca estemos uno del otro, mas evidente se hara esto. Sin embargo, para todas nuestras excentricidades, pecados y exabruptos, nos necesitamos los unos a los otros. Comunidad es mas que solo una palabra... es uno de nuestros requerimientos mas importantes. Asi que como pueden las personas con defectos y no normales como nosotros dominar las fuerzas que nos apartan y nos unen en las relaciones transformadoras de vida...
Normal? Quien es normal? Es seguro que usted no lo es. Tampoco lo es nadie que conozca. Ninguno de nosotros somos normales de acuerdo con la definicio...
John Ortberg invites you to consider the incredible potential that awaits you outside your comfort zone. Out on the risky waters of faith, Jesus is waiting to meet you in ways that will change you forever, deepening your character and your trust in God.
A CBA Besteller
John Ortberg invites you to consider the incredible potential that awaits you outside your comfort zone. Out on the risky waters of ...
Using popular games as a metaphor for our temporal lives, this six-session small group Bible study, When the Game is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box, by John Ortberg, neatly sorts out what's fleeting and what's permanent in God's kingdom.
Today is the day you choose...which game you want to win...which prize you want to collect...which priorities you want to set. It's a thrill to win at checkers or Clue or Trivial Pursuit. You sweep aside the other players and you "own" the board. It's also a thrill to win a promotion at work ... the new house you wanted ... that sports...
Using popular games as a metaphor for our temporal lives, this six-session small group Bible study, When the Game is Over, It All Goes Back in ...
Written by the dynamic leaders of church ministry across the country, this series explores life-changing topics from a biblical perspective. New Community guides don't force small groups to choose between Bible study and building community. Just the opposite. Each study delves deeply into Scripture in a way that strengthens relationships. Challenging questions encourage group members to reflect not only on Scripture but also on their own lives--individually and as a part of God's family. And unlike most Bible studies, the New Community series helps study groups convert biblical principles...
Written by the dynamic leaders of church ministry across the country, this series explores life-changing topics from a biblical perspective. New Co...
Stand Strong in Life's Furnaces How do you respond when the bottom drops out? What happens to your character quotient when things don't go the way you planned? How do you react when the temperature is rising, you are under attack, and God seems far away? Daniel discovered that the furnace experiences of life refine and define us. Spiritual integrity rarely grows when everything goes our way. Instead, God uses things like a furnace, a lion's den, a mad king, and exile in a foreign country to forge character in a soul. If you long to meet God in the challenging times and come through the...
Stand Strong in Life's Furnaces How do you respond when the bottom drops out? What happens to your character quotient when things don't go the way ...
Learn to Pray with the Master If you could ask the first disciples, "What was the Savior's secret to living in alignment with the Father's will and with power to face life's challenges," they would have answered with one word, "Prayer " As we learn to talk with the Father, we grow strong in faith and obedience. The Lord's Prayer is much more than a collection of words to be recited from memory. It is a Jesus-given springboard to launch us into the refreshing waters of God's wisdom and strength. When we learn to pray with Jesus, we become like him. Will you dare to echo the plea of the...
Learn to Pray with the Master If you could ask the first disciples, "What was the Savior's secret to living in alignment with the Father's will and...