During World War II a Jewish boy is left on his own for months in a ruined house in the Warsaw Ghetto, where he must learn all the tricks of survival under constantly life-threatening conditions.
During World War II a Jewish boy is left on his own for months in a ruined house in the Warsaw Ghetto, where he must learn all the tricks of survival ...
This Batchelder Award-winning novel retells the true story of an orphaned boy on the run in the Polish countryside at the height of the Holocaust, who must fight against starvation and widespread anti-Semitism as he desperately searches for refuge.
This Batchelder Award-winning novel retells the true story of an orphaned boy on the run in the Polish countryside at the height of the Holocaust, who...
Wie der kleine Jurek durch den Krieg kommt, das ist so ungeheuerlich wie im Simplizissimus: Er hat ein wenig Glck in einer grausamen Welt. Seine Flucht gibt Menschen Gelegenheit sich gut oder bse zu verhalten. Eine Lehre, herzerweichend. BuchMarkt
Wie der kleine Jurek durch den Krieg kommt, das ist so ungeheuerlich wie im Simplizissimus: Er hat ein wenig Glck in einer grausamen Welt. Seine Fluch...