Die Literatur der DDR und was aus ihr wurde. Das Lexikon informiert uber das literarische Leben und die Kulturpolitik in der ehemaligen DDR. Es nimmt wichtige Autoren und Institutionen, zentrale Stromungen und Gattungen, literarische Debatten und kulturpolitische Ereignisse in den Blick. Systemkonforme Schriftsteller werden ebenso berucksichtigt wie systemkritische und diejenigen, die das Land verliessen. Auch die weitere Entwicklung von in der DDR geborenen Autoren nach 1989 wird verfolgt."
Die Literatur der DDR und was aus ihr wurde. Das Lexikon informiert uber das literarische Leben und die Kulturpolitik in der ehemaligen DDR. Es nimmt ...
A volume in Literacy, Language, and Learning Series Editor: Wen Ma, Le Moyne College Motivation to engage in reading is a consistent problem for students in general and boys in particular. To solve this problem, we often seek answers from everyone but those we are hoping to motivate. We read the latest article on motivation and think we have finally come up with the recipe that will motivate all of the boys in our class. When it doesn't work for everyone, we go back to the drawing board and try something else until we finally understand that all boys are motivated by different things. That is...
A volume in Literacy, Language, and Learning Series Editor: Wen Ma, Le Moyne College Motivation to engage in reading is a consistent problem for stude...
A volume in Literacy, Language, and Learning Series Editor: Wen Ma, Le Moyne College Motivation to engage in reading is a consistent problem for students in general and boys in particular. To solve this problem, we often seek answers from everyone but those we are hoping to motivate. We read the latest article on motivation and think we have finally come up with the recipe that will motivate all of the boys in our class. When it doesn't work for everyone, we go back to the drawing board and try something else until we finally understand that all boys are motivated by different things. That is...
A volume in Literacy, Language, and Learning Series Editor: Wen Ma, Le Moyne College Motivation to engage in reading is a consistent problem for stude...