The story of The Twinkling focuses on the life of Korle, an angel that fell from heaven under the authority of Lucifer. It delves into his past as an angel living a glorious life in heaven, follows him to the depths of hell, to earth as mankind," and back again to heaven. It explores unspoken possibilities: that of the fallen angels being given a chance to choose which God to serve, with that choice being made during their span of time on earth. Though many scriptures are woven throughout the story, this narrative is not meant to be theological in its message, but is intended, rather, to...
The story of The Twinkling focuses on the life of Korle, an angel that fell from heaven under the authority of Lucifer. It delves into his past as an ...
Pinnac, a pre-earth angel, is under the authority of the archangel called "Light." He receives an invitation to help install a new order. Honored to be chosen, he visits his hero, and the story unfolds from there. Follow Pinnac in his decisions, which affect his eternal destiny. Second in a series of three, this gripping story will leave you breathless.
Pinnac, a pre-earth angel, is under the authority of the archangel called "Light." He receives an invitation to help install a new order. Honored ...