This comprehensive, interdisciplinary guidebook is designed for the mental health practitioner seeking to utilize proven and effective interventions with children and adolescents suffering from significant anxiety and phobic disorders. Each chapter is co-authored by a clinical child psychologist and a child psychiatrist, framing the volume's unique and balanced perspective. In addition, each chapter presents state-of-the-art assessment and treatment strategies for a panoply of phobic and anxiety disorders, including both psychosocial and pharmacological interventions. Moreover, the volume...
This comprehensive, interdisciplinary guidebook is designed for the mental health practitioner seeking to utilize proven and effective interventions w...
This volume of Advances in Clinical Child Psychology, which is the second under our editorship and the sixteenth of the series, continues the tradi tion of including a broad range of timely topics on the study and treat ment of children and adolescents. Volume 16 includes contributions per taining to prevention, adolescents, families, cognitive processes, and methodology. The issue of prevention in child clinical psychology is no longer restricted to a few speculative sentences in the future directions part of a discussion section. Prevention research is actually being undertaken, as...
This volume of Advances in Clinical Child Psychology, which is the second under our editorship and the sixteenth of the series, continues the tradi ti...
Reknowned authorities offer the first international handbook on anxiety and phobic disorders in children and adolescents. Using DSM-IV and ICD classifications, this comprehensive and up-to-date volume addresses issues related to diagnostic classification, epidemiolgy, etiology, assessment, and treatment. With its case studies, this volume makes a practical reference for clinicians, researchers, and students.
Reknowned authorities offer the first international handbook on anxiety and phobic disorders in children and adolescents. Using DSM-IV and ICD classif...
This volume of Advances in Clinical Child Psychology is the third under our editorship and the seventeenth of the series. It continues the tradition of examining a broad range of topics and issues related to the study and treatment of child and adolescent behavior problems. Over the years, the series has served to identify important and exciting new developments in the field and provide scholarly review of current thought and practices. In the openingchapter, Cichetti, Toth, and Lynch examine attachment theory and its implications for psychopathology. They provide exacting commentary on the...
This volume of Advances in Clinical Child Psychology is the third under our editorship and the seventeenth of the series. It continues the tradition o...
Michel Hersen Thomas H. Cllendick Thomas H. Ollendick
In our first edition of the Handbook in 1983, we the origins and course(s) of maladaptive behav- ior, whatever the causes, whatever the age of on- noted that child psychopathology should no longer be viewed as a downward extension of set, whatever the transformations in behavioral adult psychopathology. Rather, we suggested expression, and however complex the develop- that children should be viewed as children, not mental pattern may prove to be. It strives to inte- as miniature adults, and that a merger of the dis- grate these two disciplines in an intimate and of- ciplines of clinical child...
In our first edition of the Handbook in 1983, we the origins and course(s) of maladaptive behav- ior, whatever the causes, whatever the age of on- not...
Sandra Walker Russ Thomas H. Ollendick Sandra W. Russ
The aim of this book on psychotherapies with children and families is to present a comprehensive overview of the current array of intervention approaches in the child mental health field. There is a focus on the integration of theory, research, and practice throughout the book. The book proceeds from the more global pre sentations of basic theoretical approaches to applications of these approaches with specific problems and populations. It then presents more integrated intervention approaches and overviews of the research literature. One of the unique features of this book is its focus on...
The aim of this book on psychotherapies with children and families is to present a comprehensive overview of the current array of intervention approac...
Thomas H. Ollendick Carolyn S. Schroeder Thomas H. Ollendick
This encyclopedia is an authoritative and comprehensive resource that provides information on a broad array of problems and issues related to children, adolescents, and their families as defined by the fields of clinical child and pediatric psychology. It is designed to be of particular interest and use to laypersons, parents and grandparents, and undergraduate and graduate students in training, as well as to diverse medical and mental health professionals who live with and/or work with young persons but who have limited information on a particular topics. Inasmuch as the scope of clinical...
This encyclopedia is an authoritative and comprehensive resource that provides information on a broad array of problems and issues related to children...
Handbook of Interventions that Work with Children and Adolescents, considers evidence-based practice to assess the developmental issues, aetiology, epidemiology, assessment, treatment, and prevention of child and adolescent psychopathology. World-leading contributors provide overviews of empirically validated intervention and prevention initiatives.
Arranged in three parts, Part I lays theoretical foundations of "treatments that work" with children and adolescents. Part II presents the evidence base for the treatment of a host of behaviour problems, whilst Part III contains...
Handbook of Interventions that Work with Children and Adolescents, considers evidence-based practice to assess the developmental issues...
This nineteenth volume of Advances in Clinical Child Psychology continues our tradition of examining a broad range of topics and issues that charac terizes the continually evolving field of clinical child psychology. Over the years, the series has served to identify important, exciting, and timely new developments in the field and to provide scholarly and in-depth reviews of current thought and practices. The present volume is no exception. In the opening chapter, Sue Campbell explores developmental path ways associated with serious behavior problems in preschool children. Specifically, she...
This nineteenth volume of Advances in Clinical Child Psychology continues our tradition of examining a broad range of topics and issues that charac te...