The April 1994 election, in which black and white South Africans vote for the first time for a non-racial government, marks one of the many recent profound changes in Southern Africa. The authors of this book recount how Southern Africa has long endured costly, violent domestic and interstate conflicts, often complicated and intensified by external interventions and interests. They also analyze the various attempts to resolve Southern Africa's conflicts. They suggest that the democratic transition in Southern Africa opens the possibility to create a secure Southern Africa, but they also note...
The April 1994 election, in which black and white South Africans vote for the first time for a non-racial government, marks one of the many recent pro...
The value of conventional weapons imported by Third World countries between 1971 and 1985 increased four times over that of the previous two decades--a leap that reflects profound changes in the economic and technological relations between industrialized nations and the Third World and holds serious political repercussions. A comprehensive overview of the flow of conventional weapons between 1971 and 1985, this volume analyzes both the suppliers--their arms export bureaucracies, degree of dependence on arms exports, and shifts in arms export policies--and the Third World recipients. Providing...
The value of conventional weapons imported by Third World countries between 1971 and 1985 increased four times over that of the previous two decades--...