As an introduction to Christian systematic theology, this volume treats all the main theological topics-from God to last things-seeking to explicate critically the understanding of them implicit in Christian faith itself in terms at once appropriate to Jesus Christ and credible to human existence. Its criteria, accordingly, are the ultimate criteria of on the one hand, specifically Christian experience of Jesus as expressed by the apostolic witness, and on the other hand, generically human experience of existence as expressed by a sound philosophy. And, as befits an introduction, it employs...
As an introduction to Christian systematic theology, this volume treats all the main theological topics-from God to last things-seeking to explicate c...
But will it preach? The only good answer to this question often asked about a Christian theology is to preach it, which is to say, to preach according to it, to what it indicates, reflectively and critically, valid Christian preaching ought to be. This volume of selected sermons and homilies documents a career-long attempt to do exactly that. Concerned at once to be faithful to the Christian witness and to speak intelligibly and credibly to women and men here and now, it represents the way of preaching, and so directly calling for a Christian commitment, that is of a piece with the...
But will it preach? The only good answer to this question often asked about a Christian theology is to preach it, which is to say, to preach according...
But will it teach? The only good answer to this question often asked about a Christian theology is to teach it, which is to say, to teach according to it, to what it indicates, reflectively and critically, valid Christian teaching ought to be. This volume of selected courses and seminars documents a career-long attempt to do exactly that. Concerned at once to be faithful to the Christian witness and to speak intelligibly and credibly to women and men here and now, it represents the way of doing church teaching, and so clarifying the meaning of the Christian commitment, that is of a piece with...
But will it teach? The only good answer to this question often asked about a Christian theology is to teach it, which is to say, to teach according to...