Written by an accomplished amateur astronomer and available for the first time in North America, this advanced guide is designed to take your evening explorations to new heights. Beginning with an explanation of the fundamental principles of practical astronomy, author North provides essential information on telescope optics, the atmosphere, astrophotography, electronic imaging, and telescope hardware (including how to select equipment and diagnose faulty telescopes). This knowledge is then applied to the full range of celestial bodies accessible by telescope: the solar system, stars and...
Written by an accomplished amateur astronomer and available for the first time in North America, this advanced guide is designed to take your evening ...
Written by an experienced and well-known lunar observer, this is a hands-on primer for the aspiring observer of the Moon. Whether you are a novice or are already experienced in practical astronomy, you will find plenty in this book to help you raise your game to the next level and beyond. In this thoroughly updated second edition, the author provides extensive practical advice and sophisticated background knowledge of the Moon and of lunar observation. It incorporates the latest developments in lunar imaging techniques, including digital photography, CCD imaging and webcam observing, and...
Written by an experienced and well-known lunar observer, this is a hands-on primer for the aspiring observer of the Moon. Whether you are a novice or ...
Since comet Shoemaker-Levy collided with the planet Jupiter with stupendous force in 1994 there has been an upsurge of amateur interest in comets. Most comets are first discovered by amateur astronomers because there are so many amateurs looking for them, and techniques and instruments have improved dramatically in the past few years. After a short but detailed introduction to the comets themselves Nick James and Gerald North describe comet hunting, photographing and imaging comets, and digital image processing. The use of computers for orbital calculations and even helping to discover...
Since comet Shoemaker-Levy collided with the planet Jupiter with stupendous force in 1994 there has been an upsurge of amateur interest in comets. Mos...
Den Mond beobachten wie Galilei, der mit seinem Fernrohr die Berge, Krater und Mare sah und als charakteristische Landschaft erkannte, kann heute jeder interessierte Laie - wenn er sich von Gerald North leiten lasst: Genaue Karten und Beobachtungsskizzen machen mit der Mondlandschaft und ihren Veranderungen vertraut; Hinweise auf konkrete Starken und Schwachen verschiedenster Teleskoptypen erleichtern die Auswahl der richtigen Fernrohrausstattung; von A bis Z findet der Leser die interessantesten Beobachtungshighlights auf dem Mond - sozusagen das personliche Beobachtungsprogramm fur jeden...
Den Mond beobachten wie Galilei, der mit seinem Fernrohr die Berge, Krater und Mare sah und als charakteristische Landschaft erkannte, kann heute jede...
Gerald North's complete practical guide and resource package instructs amateur astronomers in observing and monitoring variable stars and other objects of variable brightness. Descriptions of the objects are accompanied by explanations of the background astrophysics, providing readers with real insight into what they are observing at the telescope. The main instrumental requirements for observing and estimating the brightness of objects by visual means and by CCD photometry are detailed, and there is advice on the selection of equipment. The book contains a CD-ROM packed with resources,...
Gerald North's complete practical guide and resource package instructs amateur astronomers in observing and monitoring variable stars and other object...
A guide to astronomy which attempts to offer the most up-to-date information on the subject. Designed to be used for either individual study or classroom use, the book covers the GCSE syllabus requirements and relevant elements of physics, general science and general studies courses.
A guide to astronomy which attempts to offer the most up-to-date information on the subject. Designed to be used for either individual study or classr...