Les Lieux de memoire is perhaps one of the most profound historical documents on the history and culture of the French nation. Assembled by Pierre Nora during the Mitterand years, this multivolume series has been hailed as "a magnificent achievement" (The New Republic) and "the grandest, most ambitious effort to dissect, interpret and celebrate the French fascination with their own past" (The Los Angeles Times). Written during a time when French national identity was undergoing a pivotal change and the nation was struggling to define itself, this unprecedented series...
Les Lieux de memoire is perhaps one of the most profound historical documents on the history and culture of the French nation. Assembled by Pie...
Archives, monuments, celebrations: there are not merely the recollections of memory but also the foundations of history. Symbols, the third and final volume in Pierre Nora's monumental Realms of Memory, includes groundbreaking discussions of the emblems of France's past by some of the nation's most distinguished intellectuals. The seventeen essays in this book consider such diverse "sites" of memory as the figures of Joan D'Arc and Decartes, the national motto of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," the tricolor flag and the French language itself. Pierre Nora's closing essay on...
Archives, monuments, celebrations: there are not merely the recollections of memory but also the foundations of history. Symbols, the third and final ...
This text is the second of three volumes looking at the history of France. This volume examines how and why events and figures become part of a people's collective memory. It emphasizes the shared aspects of French history and cultural instrumental in the development of a national identity. It includes 14 essays on subjects ranging from Proust's Remembrance of Things Past to the Tour de France.
This text is the second of three volumes looking at the history of France. This volume examines how and why events and figures become part of a people...
This volume, the third part of Realms of Memory, focuses on the emblems that signify Frenchness to people around the world. It includes 13 essays on cultural icons from Joan of Arc to Descartes; the national motto of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity; the tricolour flag; and the French language itself. The closing essay on commemoration provides an overview of the series.
This volume, the third part of Realms of Memory, focuses on the emblems that signify Frenchness to people around the world. It includes 13 essays on c...
The third volume of Pierre Nora s monumental work documenting the history and culture of France turns to French manners, mores, and society. While previous volumes focused on specific historical events, people, and institutions within France, the essays in "Legacies" are concerned with the kinds of things that make up the heart of French culture: conversation, cafes, songs, wine, gallantry, and places imbued with national symbolism such as Notre Dame and Sacre Coeur cathedrals. Linking these diverse topics together is the idea of patrimony a term used by the French to designate the...
The third volume of Pierre Nora s monumental work documenting the history and culture of France turns to French manners, mores, and society. While ...
The fourth and final volume in Pierre Nora s monumental series documenting the history and culture of France takes a self-reflective turn. The eleven essays collected here consider the texts and places that make up the collective memory of the history of France, a country whose people are extraordinarily self-conscious of history and their place in it. Distinguished contributors look at the medieval "Grands chroniques de France" and the monasteries and chancelleries that produced them, the establishment of Versailles as a historical museum, and Pierre Larousse s "Grand dictionnaire," an...
The fourth and final volume in Pierre Nora s monumental series documenting the history and culture of France takes a self-reflective turn. The eleven ...
In insgesamt 16 Essays stellen uns die Autoren dieses Bandes Ereignisse aus der Geschichte und der Gegenwart unseres Nachbarlandes vor, die fr das Selbstverstndnis und das Geschichtsbewusstsein der Franzosen von groer Bedeutung sind. Der Bogen spannt sich vom Geschehen am kniglichen Hof ber die Franzsische Revolution bis hin zur Tour de France unserer Tage.
In insgesamt 16 Essays stellen uns die Autoren dieses Bandes Ereignisse aus der Geschichte und der Gegenwart unseres Nachbarlandes vor, die fr das Sel...
This 1985 book presents a selection of ten of the most significant contributions to Faire de l'histoire, a major three-volume exposition of the fresh state of French historiography first published in 1974. All the essays were commissioned from historians representing the best of the 'Annales' tradition, including Emmanuel le Roy Ladurie, Francois Furet and Georges Duby. The first five essays concentrate upon the physical world, and deal with some of the more familiar aspects of 'new history'; the second half of the book is concerned with the unconscious world of mentalites, the network of...
This 1985 book presents a selection of ten of the most significant contributions to Faire de l'histoire, a major three-volume exposition of the fresh ...