Die Sensitivitatsanalyse bei diskreten Optimierungsproblemen ist ein ebenso schwieriges wie reizvolles Objekt der Unternehrnensforschung. In dieser Arbeit versucht der Verfasser, wenigstens fur die einfachsten Problernklassen - diskrete lineare Programme mit pararnetrischen Ziel funktions- bzw. Restriktionenvektoren - eine einheitliche Darstellung zu geben und grundlegende Ergebnisse zu forrnulieren, die sich nicht zwangsweise an den verfugbaren Algorithmen orientieren, sondern starker den mathematischen Sachverhalt herausstellen. Einige Ideen lassen sich ohne Schwierigkeiten auf den Fall...
Die Sensitivitatsanalyse bei diskreten Optimierungsproblemen ist ein ebenso schwieriges wie reizvolles Objekt der Unternehrnensforschung. In dieser Ar...
Experts from university and industry are presenting new technologies for solving industrial problems and giving many important and practicable impulses for new research. Topics explored include NURBS, product engineering, object oriented modelling, solid modelling, surface interrogation, feature modelling, variational design, scattered data algorithms, geometry processing, blending methods, smoothing and fairing algorithms, spline conversion. This collection of 24 articles gives a state-of-the-art survey of the relevant problems and issues in geometric modelling.
Experts from university and industry are presenting new technologies for solving industrial problems and giving many important and practicable impulse...
In this volume experts from university and industry are presenting new technologies for solving industrial problems as well as important and practicable impulses for new research. The following topics are treated: - solid modelling - geometry processing - feature modelling - product modelling - surfaces over arbitrary topologies - blending methods - scattered data algorithms - smooting and fairing algorithms - NURBS 21 articles are giving a state-of-the-art survey of the relevant problems and issues in the rapidly growing area of geometric modelling.
In this volume experts from university and industry are presenting new technologies for solving industrial problems as well as important and practicab...