This is the first volume of Robert Cumming Neville's magnum opus, Theology as Symbolic Engagement. Neville is the premier American systematic theologian of our time. His work is profoundly influenced by Paul Tillich, Friedrich Schleiermacher, and the American pragmatists John Dewey and Charles Sanders Pierce. From Tillich he takes the notion of religion, art, and morality as symbol, and the notion that religion is the substance of culture and culture the form of religion. Thus, theology is symbolic engagement with cultural forms, and Neville explores the ways that such engagement...
This is the first volume of Robert Cumming Neville's magnum opus, Theology as Symbolic Engagement. Neville is the premier American systemati...
This book provides a cross-cultural analysis of how religious symbols function from a theological and philosophical perspective. Showing how religious symbols can be true in various qualified senses, Neville presents a theory of religious symbolism in the American pragmatic tradition extending and elaborating Tillich's claim that religious symbols participate in the divine realities to which they refer and yet must be broken in order not to be idolatrous or demonic. The Truth of Broken Symbols offers a theory of religious symbolism treating reference, meaning, and interpretation, and...
This book provides a cross-cultural analysis of how religious symbols function from a theological and philosophical perspective. Showing how religious...
In her previous book, T'ai-Chi Ch'uan: Body and Mind in Harmony: The Integration of Meaning and Method, Sophia Delza describes the Wu Style with careful directions and illustrations for learning the practice of the exercise-art of T'ai-Chi Ch'uan. In this new book, Ms. Delza, the leading proponent in the United States of the Wu Style, offers succinct and illuminating comments from her viewpoint as both teacher and practitioner. She expresses the substance and function of T'ai-Chi Ch'uan that lie behind the movement and that are manifest in the movement to only the most discerning eye. She...
In her previous book, T'ai-Chi Ch'uan: Body and Mind in Harmony: The Integration of Meaning and Method, Sophia Delza describes the Wu Style with caref...
Religion in Late Modernity runs against the grain of common suppositions of contemporary theology and philosophy of religion. Against the common supposition that basic religious terms have no real reference but are mere functions of human need, the book presents a pragmatic theory of religious symbolism in terms of which the cognitive engagement of the Ultimate is of a piece with the cognitive engagement of nature and persons. Throughout this discussion, Neville develops a late-modern conception of God that is defensible in a global theological public. Against the common supposition that...
Religion in Late Modernity runs against the grain of common suppositions of contemporary theology and philosophy of religion. Against the common suppo...
The Metaphysics of Experience styles itself as a Sherpa guide to Process and Reality, whose function is to assist the serious reader in grasping the meaning of the text and to prevent falls into misinterpretation.Although originally published in 1925, Process and Reality has perhaps even more relevance to the contemporary scene in physics, biology, psychology, and the social sciences than it had in the mid-twenties. Hence its internal difficulty, its quasi-inaccessibility, is all the more tragic, since, unlike most metaphysical endeavors, it is capable of interpretating and unifying theories...
The Metaphysics of Experience styles itself as a Sherpa guide to Process and Reality, whose function is to assist the serious reader in grasping the m...
The Metaphysics of Experience styles itself as a Sherpa guide to Process and Reality, whose function is to assist the serious reader in grasping the meaning of the text and to prevent falls into misinterpretation.Although originally published in 1925, Process and Reality has perhaps even more relevance to the contemporary scene in physics, biology, psychology, and the social sciences than it had in the mid-twenties. Hence its internal difficulty, its quasi-inaccessibility, is all the more tragic, since, unlike most metaphysical endeavors, it is capable of interpretating and unifying theories...
The Metaphysics of Experience styles itself as a Sherpa guide to Process and Reality, whose function is to assist the serious reader in grasping the m...
This book offers a fundamentally new interpretation of the philosophy of the Chuang-Tzu. It is the first full-length work of its kind which argues that a deep level cognitive structure exists beneath an otherwise random collection of literary anecdotes, cryptic sayings, and dark allusions. The author carefully analyzes myths, legends, monstrous characters, paradoxes, parables and linguistic puzzles as strategically placed techniques for systematically tapping and channeling the spiritual dimensions of the mind. Allinson takes issue with commentators who have treated the Chuang-Tzu as a...
This book offers a fundamentally new interpretation of the philosophy of the Chuang-Tzu. It is the first full-length work of its kind which argues tha...
Dialogue among religions has always been challenging. Today, the questions are becoming more fundamental: are the various traditions - Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Tao - even talking about the same thing when they speak of Nature, or God, Emptiness or Brahman? The Divine Matrix represents a bold scholarly attempt to provide a framework for discussing theseand other - questions that will keep the interreligious dialogue project from grinding to a halt. In The Divine Matrix philosopher and theologian Joseph Bracken first locates the Infinite as transcendent source and goal of human activity as...
Dialogue among religions has always been challenging. Today, the questions are becoming more fundamental: are the various traditions - Buddhist, Chris...
Focusing on what makes Jesus important in Christianity, Robert Cummings Neville, a leading philosophical theologian, presents and illustrates a theory of religious symbols wherein God is directly engaged in symbolically shaped thinking and practice. Moreover, Christian symbolism is shown to be entirely compatible with a late-modern scientific world view. This major work may affect belief in Jesus, and will be of value to students, academics, clergy with theological training, and others grappling with the meaning and importance of religious symbols in our age.
Focusing on what makes Jesus important in Christianity, Robert Cummings Neville, a leading philosophical theologian, presents and illustrates a theory...