Language change is back on the agenda in Rudi Keller's exciting book. He demonstrates that, far from being a remote mystery, it can and should be explained.
Language change is back on the agenda in Rudi Keller's exciting book. He demonstrates that, far from being a remote mystery, it can and should be expl...
Can qualitative and quantitative methods be combined effectively in psychology? What are the practical and theoretical issues involved? Should different criteria be used to judge qualitative and quantitative research? The acceptance of qualitative research methods in psychology has lead to a split between qualitative and quantitative methods and has raised questions about how best to assess the validity of research practice. While the two approaches have traditionally been seen as competing paradigms, more recently, researchers have begun to argue that the divide is artificial....
Can qualitative and quantitative methods be combined effectively in psychology? What are the practical and theoretical issues involved? Should differe...
E. Lien Marianne Marianne E. Lien Brigitte Nerlich
Is shopping for food really a political act?
Why is it that, in a world with enough food for everyone, more people than ever go hungry?
Why did the French resistance against genetically modified foods become a fight against McDonalds?
Why did the foot-and-mouth epidemic in the UK become a problem for consumers?
Capable of connecting human bodies to abstract nations, and techno-science to moral concerns, food has become one of the most contested fields of our time. It is high on the political agenda throughout the world. With disease, contamination, famine, hunger...
Is shopping for food really a political act?
Why is it that, in a world with enough food for everyone, more people than ever go hungry?
TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS is a series of books that open new perspectives in our understanding of language. The series publishes state-of-the-art work on core areas of linguistics across theoretical frameworks as well as studies that provide new insights by building bridges to neighbouring fields such as neuroscience and cognitive science.
TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS considers itself a forum for cutting-edge research based on solid empirical data on language in its various manifestations, including sign languages. It regards linguistic variation in its synchronic and diachronic dimensions as...
TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS is a series of books that open new perspectives in our understanding of language. The series publishes state-of-the-art work ...
Tropen sind nicht nur rhetorische Mittel, die in der Dichtung und in der offentlichen Rede als kreative und/oder persuasive Sprachmittel Verwendung finden. Sie sind auch ein kognitives Instrumentarium, mit dessen Hilfe sich die Menschen die Welt verstandlich machen und durch das sich ihr Weltverstandnis ausdruckt. Indem sie unserer Weltwahrnehmung und auch schon unserem alltaglichen Sprechen zugrunde liegen, muss - spatestens seit Nietzsches grundsatzlicher Wahrheitsskepsis angesichts der Ubiquitat des sog. "ubertragenen Sprachgebrauchs" - die Frage nach der Moglichkeit der Wahrheit Tropen...
Tropen sind nicht nur rhetorische Mittel, die in der Dichtung und in der offentlichen Rede als kreative und/oder persuasive Sprachmittel Verwendung...
The volume provides a timely, state of the art collection of studies examining climate change communication in the era of digital media. The chapters focus on a broad range of topics covering various aspects of both practice and research in climate change communication, ranging from the use of online platforms, to blogs, and social networking sites. Climate change communication has increasingly moved into Internet-based forums, and this volume provides a comprehensive overview of research into Internet and climate change communication. The studies share valuable methodological insights in...
The volume provides a timely, state of the art collection of studies examining climate change communication in the era of digital media. The chapte...