We will occasionally footnote a portion of text with a "**, to indicate Notes on the that this portion can be initially bypassed. The reasons for bypassing a Text portion of the text include: the subject is a special topic that will not be referenced later, the material can be skipped on first reading, or the level of mathematics is higher than the rest of the text. In cases where a topic is self-contained, we opt to collect the material into an appendix that can be read by students at their leisure. The material in the text cannot be fully assimilated until one makes it Notes on "their own"...
We will occasionally footnote a portion of text with a "**, to indicate Notes on the that this portion can be initially bypassed. The reasons for bypa...
This volume contains the complete set of tutorial paperspresented at the 16th IFIP (International Federation forInformation Processing) Working Group 7. 3 InternationalSymposium on Computer Performance Modelling, Measurement andEvaluation, and a number of tutorial papers presented at the1993 ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) SpecialInterest Group METRICS Conference on Measurement andModeling of Computer Systems. The principal goal of the volume is to present an overviewof recent results in the field of modeling and performanceevaluation of computer and communication systems. The...
This volume contains the complete set of tutorial paperspresented at the 16th IFIP (International Federation forInformation Processing) Working Group ...
We will occasionally footnote a portion of text with a "**, to indicate Notes on the that this portion can be initially bypassed. The reasons for bypassing a Text portion of the text include: the subject is a special topic that will not be referenced later, the material can be skipped on first reading, or the level of mathematics is higher than the rest of the text. In cases where a topic is self-contained, we opt to collect the material into an appendix that can be read by students at their leisure. The material in the text cannot be fully assimilated until one makes it Notes on "their own"...
We will occasionally footnote a portion of text with a "**, to indicate Notes on the that this portion can be initially bypassed. The reasons for bypa...