Ignited by the infamous shooting of Amadou Diallo, unarmed and innocent, at the hands of New York City police officers, journalist Jill Nelson was moved to assemble this landmark anthology on the topic of police violence and brutality: an indispensable collection of twelve "groundbreaking" (Ebony) essays by a range of contributors among them academics, historians, social critics, a congressman, and an ex-New York City police detective. This "important and valuable book" (Emerge) places a centuries-old issue in much-needed historical and intellectual context, and underscores the profound...
Ignited by the infamous shooting of Amadou Diallo, unarmed and innocent, at the hands of New York City police officers, journalist Jill Nelson was mov...
"Sister Jill isn't just a foot soldier in what passes for war between the sexes. She's our commander-in-chief and follow we must." --Pearl Cleage, New York Times bestselling author of What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary DayLet's Get it On is acclaimed author Jill Nelson's spicy, raucously satiric follow-up to her sensational bestseller Sexual Healing. Fans of Zane and The Vow, as well as Nelson's own Voluntary Slavery, are going to love this outrageously provocative story about an attempt to open a "full service spa" for...
"Sister Jill isn't just a foot soldier in what passes for war between the sexes. She's our commander-in-chief and follow we must." --Pearl Cleag...